Arthur Melo with Liverpool


Arthur gets 'wet' about his stage at Barça and does not close the door on a possible return

Published:4/07/2023 - 10:34h

Updated:4/07/2023 - 10:34h

The former Barça soccer player, Arthur Melo, has offered some statements to the press in which he spoke about his time at the club and his plans for the future

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Arthur, Melo, current player of the Juventus and exfutbolista of the FC Barcelona, has appeared in front of the microphones of the newspaper 'Sportive World' in an interview in which it spoke, between a lot of things, of his stage inside the Barcelona club. Also it did emphasis in his future and in his convicencia with several symbolic names of the institution, as Leo Messi and Neymar Júnior.

His two campaigns in the Barça

It began remembering his brief go through the Camp Nou. "It was very beautiful. The city is incredible and is a club of the that save very good memories. I lived moments very happy and are all positive. I went out when it went to face my third season and then had more experience that when I arrived of Brazil. In this moment already was adapted to 100% and was better like player, with more confidence. Equally I have good memories", aimed.

On the same line, desveló if it continues in contact with his excompañeros and if it considers a fan of the Barça. "Yes, clear. I speak a lot with Frenkie Of Jong, and also with 'Busi' and with Jordi Alba, that finish to go. They are big friends. Always I have tried to see his parties, because it likes me this style of game. I seat a lot of affection by the Barça, nor have why hide it", affirmed the Brazilian.

Arthur of return to Barcelona?

The midfield player did not close the door to a possible return although it stood out the changes that has had since it went out of the Barcelona. "In the world of the football all can happen. I have lived moments very beautiful here and his style of game favours me. When I arrived it was too young. Perhaps it had not matured the sufficient as to face some challenges that had. Now I am a player much better that when I arrived to the Barça. Mentally, physically and also by how I understand the football", sentenced Arthur.

Near to finalise, spoke of the convicencia with Neymar and Messi inside the changing room. "The first time that coincided with 'Ney' was in the selection, when I still was in Guild. It helped me a lot of. It concerns a lot by the other and I can affirm it by own experience. Leo is an out of series. Perhaps the best player of the history. Or, what less, one of the three better. It is something more reserved, but is a person with very good heart. It is incredible how understands the game and the quantity of years that has been playing to the highest level. This can not it attain any one", ensured the midfield player.

His wish goes through to go back to the Seleçao

Finally, it mentioned his plans of face to the future with Arabia on the table. "In principle I will go back to Turín, but the window of the market of signings is very long and do not know what will happen. It can that it arise something interesting for me and for the Juventus. Have agreement and respect it, but already will see. I do not see me in Arabia, only have 26 years and think that can give much more that the attained up to now. I want to go back to play to my best level, win important titles in Europe and return to the Brazilian selection. This next season is decisive for my career. In three years see me of turn in the selection and stabilised and playing in some important team", concluded.

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