Gerarard Piqué in the Barcelona-Granada match


Like this of badly it is the Barça… That Piqué went out to play of "nine"

Published:21/09/2021 - 00:09h

Updated:21/09/2021 - 00:09h

In the party of the Barcelona with the Granada, in addition to the suffered tie that the Barcelona obtained, the striking was the suplencia of Hammered but like forward

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Barcelona obtained this Tuesday a suffered and hard tie with his similar of the Granada 1-1, went a goal tempranero to two minutes of the first time annotated by the Portuguese defender of the nazaríes, Sundays Duarte, and a goal of last minute in the minute 90 of Ronald Araújo those that sealed the result.

However, what more has called the attention of the party, in addition to that the result exposes the big lacks of the Barcelona of Ronald Koeman in defensive terms, is the suplencia that did the central blaugrana Gerard Hammered. In the minute 75 of the second time, Hammered went out to the lawn together with Riqui Puig for suplir to Sergio Busquets and to Yusuf Demir, but did not go out like defender, but like forward. That is to say, occupying the position of "nine".

A suplencia agreed

Of agreement to an information published by Sportive World, the suplencia of Hammered in front of the Granada would be part of a decision that Ronald Koeman took after a previous agreement with several players.

The Dutch decided to bet by Eric García and Ronald Araújo like couple of central defenders. Purportedly, the technician oriundo of Zaandaam spoke previously with the '3' Barcelona to communicate him that it would not be to title in the party with the Granada, but does not specify if it already knew that this went to play like "nine" in place of his usual position in the defensive saga.

I hammered it went back to the lawn the past Tuesday in the debut of the Barcelona in Champions in front of the Bayern Munich, split in which they were won 0-3 in the Camp Nou. Before said appointment, the Catalan was three weeks of drop by an injury in the sóleo of the right leg that suffered against 21 August in the commitment suspender belt of the Catalan square in front of the Athletic Bilbao.

The drops

The one who Hammered played like "nine" in place of his usual position of central defender, denote the a lot that to the ones of Koeman have affected him the drops. The big majority of those who find still in process to recover by injuries are the forwards of the club. Between them: Ansu Fati, the "Kun" Agüero, Ousmane Dembelé, Martin Braithwaite, this without explaining other drops that, although they are not leading, even so, are hard losses, like Pedri and Jordi Alba.

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