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Barça removes a stone on the road of Riqui Puig with the sale of Arthur

Published:30/06/2020 - 10:50h

Updated:30/06/2020 - 10:50h

Riqui Puig could be the great beneficiary in the short, but especially long term, of the sale of Arthur Melo to Juve. The Catalan will now have one less competitor to be the means of the future at Barça

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The sale of Arthur Melo to the Juventus of Turín already is a fact. The Brazilian will play in the group bianconero from the next season in return of 72 million euros and 10 in variables. The Barcelona, besides, have closed the arrival of Miralem Pjanic by 60 'kilos' more other five by aims. The same that the one of Goiana, the bosnio will remain in Italy until it finalise the Series To and until to the juventinos delete them of the Champions League.

Although the course of the ex of Guild already has remained solved by the arrival of Pjanic, the Balkan is 30 years old and to half and long term is not a solution. To the of Tuzla remain him as a lot a pair or three of seasons to big level, by what the Barça has won present, but has lost future when changing to Arthur by him. Nevertheless, the exit of the international 'canarinho' can have other more optimistic readings thinking in what it will happen inside some years.

Pjanic Will be important from the first day, but with the goodbye of Arthur it is necessary to think already in having a player that can replace to the bosnio when it go down his level. Here it is where has to appear the figure of a Riqui Puig that perhaps it was the elder benefited by the exit of the Brazilian. Without the '8' to cover him, the one of Matadepera has now free road to settle in the rotation barcelonista and turn into the big alternative for the centre of the field of the future.

The canterano blaugrana is 20 years old and will fulfil 21 in August, by what inside two or three, that is when Pjanic will go down the level, will be in the perfect age to replace him. The Catalan already is showing that has talent and spare character as to do a gap in the first team. Now, with the course of Arthur, his way has remained cleared and has the opportunity to be important in the Barça from this same campaign.

Aleñá, Pedri or Hill, in the same situation that Riqui

But Riqui is not the only that goes to see benefited with this sale, since there is several Barcelona more than are in a similar situation to his. Carles Aleñá for example could have the opportunities that denied him in this first-half of course and also the past campaign. The one of Mataró, yielded now in the Betis, will return to do the pre-season with the greater. Without the ex of Guild in the equation, his opportunities to remain increase and in the future also will be another of which opt to be headline.

Pedri Or Álex Hill also will have a competitor less to be key in the Barcelona of the future. The Canarian, of alone 17 years, will do the pre-season with the first team this summer, but the normal is that it go out yielded or remain in the filial if it goes up to Second. Hill is in an alike situation and also could go out yielded to win experience in the elite. It was as it was, the two have talent and without Arthur in the equation could have more opportunities to show it to half and long term.

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