The forwards that no fichó the Barça this summer


Barça again forgot the striker: The '9' who escaped this summer

Published:5/09/2019 - 20:37h

Updated:5/09/2019 - 20:38h

FC Barcelona focused on Neymar Jr and forgot that Luis Suarez is still without a substitute. The signing of a pure '9' should be a priority, but the technical management preferred to sign only Griezmann. These are some strikers who could finish in Can Barça

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona centred all his efforts in fichar to Neymar Jr and forgot of the necessary that it was fichar to another '9'. Luis Suárez carries a pair of seasons needing an acting of guarantees and the culés follow without looking for it. The signing crashes for the forward this course was Antoine Griezmann and the technical office forgot since of the spare of the charrúa.

The problem is that the French is not comfortable playing like reference and has left it clear whenever it has been able to. The '17' prefers to play with a forward that fix to the central to have more freedom. When it plays in tip, sometimes disappears because it does not find his place in the field. This occurred, for example, in front of the Osasuna, when Griezmann hardly participated because they drowned him between the central.

Have gone to by Neymar being so urgent a leading centre is an error that could go out expensive along the campaign. Suárez is increasingly greater, has physical problems of recurrent way and needs to rest to be well to final of course. Another '9' would have been key to be able to have to the best Luis, but the culés preferred to leave escape to all these tips in this market.

Luka Jovic

The Serbian was the big aim of the Barça until Griezmann went out to the palestra. It said that the Barça preferred a style of forward more mobile and no to a 'killer' and descartó his arrival. The Real Madrid paid by the 60 million euros to reinforce his forward. Jovic Had been a very good option for the leading culé by a reasonable price, taking into account his potential and how is the market.

Mauro Icardi

The Argentinian is one of the most fearsome forwards of the Series To from does years and was a bargain of this market veraniego. The Inter Was giving him and the PSG was list to carry his cession this campaign. The Parisians save , besides, an option of purchase of 70 'kilos'. It is a goleador of race and had been a spectacular reinforcement. His character is his main hits and is very likely that from the Barça have him descartado therefore. It will be necessary to see if the PSG leaves the controversies to a side and devotes only to play.

Fernando Llorente

Although it does not have the quality of Jovic, that handles better in spaces reduced, the Spanish had been a good alternative to cost zero. Has a totally opposite style to what is the Barça and therefore it had been a big option. The ones of Valverde need something different from the bench and Llorente had given it to him. At the end, it carried it to him the Naples, that pugnó by him with the United.


The Belgian was the signing crashes of the Inter of Milan for this summer. The Italians paid 65 million euros by him to turn into him his goleador. By this price, would have been a spectacular signing for a Barça to the that the tip had come him of perlas. The problem in this case had been to convince him to him that it play in the Barcelona splitting from the suplencia.


The French was the companion of Luka Jovic in the forward of the Eintracht and marked 20 goals between all the competitions. It measures 1,90, but technically it is a big player and has capacity of association. Able to play of backs and fix to the central, could have been a very interesting option for the Barça. At the end, the West Ham was the smartest of the class and paid almost 50 'kilos' by him.

Ben Yedder

The ex of the Seville had been a big option for the forward. Has experience in LaLiga, is a big goleador and has the mobility that so much likes him to the club in the tips. The Monaco carried it to him by 40 million euros, a high quantity, but asumible for a team like the Barça.

Maxi Gómez

The Uruguayan finish in Valencia this summer, but sounded during quite a lot of time like possible spare of Suárez. Of this list, is the one who less international poster has, but knows LaLiga and could have assumed well the suplencia. Besides, leaving to Llorente to the margin, had been the most economic signing. The valencianistas paid by him 30 million euros. Technically it is the coarsest of esra smart, but has goal and a big finish at first.

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