The Croat Dino Radja


Dino Radja criticises the current style of game of the NBA

Published:21/03/2021 - 09:41h

Updated:21/03/2021 - 10:48h

The exjugador of basketball Dino Radja has declared strongly against of the system of game of the NBA and of two of the last MVP of the American league

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The NBA, one of the most important leagues of basketball to world-wide level, has evolved to offer a style of game much more direct, swift and offensive. Although, this process is used to to form part of all the sports, the same has caused that many detractores offer his opinion in this regard, criticising the changes showed.

East has been the case of the exjugador Dino Radja, Croatian sportsman that militó during four seasons in the Boston Celtics of the NBA. The same does not have quiet regarding his critical opinions on the new style of the North American league, by what has atizado to two of the last MVP of the tournament to exemplify his visions.

One of which carried the clear criticisms of Radja was Giannis Antetokounmpo, Greek player that milita at present in the Milwaukee Bucks. On the same, the exbaloncestista Croatian declared: "In the NBA does not practise the defence and afterwards come to Europe to play against five types that know what do. They close you the penetrations and do not leave you rebotear in attack. We play against Greece in the qualifications for the Games. Giannis Was not still MVP, but was a good player and that was the tactics. We do not leave him go in to basket and do not leave him receive in career. All the other, leave him. To us it put us four points".

Radja Criticised to another player

Dino Radja did not stop his criticisms in the use of Giannis Antetokounmpo like example of what, for him, is the negative regarding the style with which plays at present in the NBA. The exjugador Croatian also fixed in Russell Westbrook, current member of the staff of the Washington Wizards, to the one who related in his statements with the Barcelona.

"Bring him to the Barcelona or to the CSKA. That avenges and try to be champion of the Euroliga. There is not any possibility that this occur", went the words of Radja on Westbrook. Although his vision can have points verídicos and favourable, is also is necessary to stand out that the evolution and the changes are part of all the sports.

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