Ter Stegen arrived late and Carrasco scored to pleasure


The 'gifts' of Barça in the League that have condemned the 'culés'

Published:6/12/2020 - 12:24h

Updated:6/12/2020 - 12:24h

FC Barcelona is sinking this season in LaLiga and part of the fault lies with the 'gifts' that the Catalans have made in several games. In Cádiz there was another absurd error for Negredo's 1-2

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona is being shipwrecked this season in LaLiga and is starring his worst start of season in the domestic championship in 33 years. The Barcelona are to 12 points of the leadership in these moments and to 6 of the Champions League, by what are more near of the descent (to 3 points). In summary, is being a disaster from beginning to end and the ones of Ronald Koeman need to improve with urgency.

Although in attack the barcelonistas are leaving enough that wish and do not finish to have clarity, is backwards where are the gravest problems of this Barça. The culés no only are defending badly, but they are conceding besides goals absolutely avoidable. Until the moment, the Catalans have 'given' already 5 so many in what it goes of competition and have lost 14 points for that.

The first 'gift' was in Getafe, with an absurd penalti of Frenkie of Jong​ on Djené. The Dutch arrived tardísimo and without possibility to play the balloon, and demolished to the central of the azulones without need any, since the ball went out of the area. Jaime Kills transformed the launching and the blaugrana received his first defeat of the campaign. Less than two weeks afterwards would arrive an even more childish error, the one of Net and Gerard Hammered in Mendizorroza.

The ones of Koeman needed to win to the Alavés to domicile, but an abysmal cession of the central Barcelonan and an esperpéntica action with the ball of the Brazilian put in tray the so much to Luis Rioja. The extreme alavesista did not fail and punished to a Barcelona that finished empatando to 1 this meeting. After this failure, arrived the one of Wanda Metropolitan, an error in chain of several just footballers before arriving to the rest.

The first in not hitting in this so remembered action was Ousmane Dembélé, that went to do the war by his account and lost it with his placed bad team. The Athletic cleared, Hammered, again portrayed, failed in his control and Marc-André ter Stegen, that wanted to anticipate the played going out of his goal, finish by the floors in front of the pipe of Carrasco, that finished defining without goalkeeper from out of the area.

The last 'gift', in Cádiz with the 2-1 to Negredo

After the inexplicable 'gift' in front of the Atleti, has arrived this last of Cádiz, with Jordi Alba, Clément Lenglet and Ter Stegen like culprits. First it was the side the one who commanded him a 'stone' in shape of kickoff of band to the French, that did not know to control and that did not follow to his mark, thinking surely that his goalkeeper had it controlled. Unfortunately, the German did not want to go out to by the ball launching to the floor, looked for the clear to corner and the balloon rebounded him to a Negredo that marked after recortar to Of Jong. An absurd failure more than cost the 3 points, and already go too many...

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