Xavi Hernández celebrating one of Barça's goals against Naples (3-1)


Good feelings with Xavi! The dressing room believes that he will change his mind and will continue

Published:3/04/2024 - 21:11h

Updated:4/04/2024 - 10:25h

Will Xavi Hernández continue as coach of FC Barcelona next season? As of today, there is no clear answer to this mystery. However, Barcelona maintains optimism regarding its continuity, at least that is what the culé dressing room reflects

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona experienced an authentic sportive revolution after the fateful result in front of the Villarreal CF (3-5), that marked the point of break for Xavi Hernández. The trainer left clear that wished to put end to his cycle with the Barcelona picture the next 30 June. Since, the club seems to have recovered and is living one of the best moments of the season 2023-24. They have accumulated 11 consecutive commitments without losing (eight victories and three ties), keeping more alive that never in the Champions League and even with options, although complex, to obtain the leadership of LaLiga.

This sportive stage has carried to several voices in the City Condal to consider seriously the continuity of the of Terrassa like technical director of the team for the next campaign. In addition to the moment that crosses conjoint culé, his continuity bases in the fact that the egarense seems to be the ideal candidate to follow carrying advance this sportive project. Has a deep knowledge of the staff, his style of game adjusts to what looks for in the combined Catalan and enjoys of a rooted barcelonismo. Equally, has a good understanding of the current economic situation and of the needs of signings of the club, facing up him this situation with a remarkable bet for going up to young talents of The Masia.

Now, to the voices of Joan Laporta, president of the FC Barcelona, Deco, sportive director of the team, and Rafa Yuste, vice-president of the Sportive Area, those who have showed a big support to the continuity of Xavi, adds an important factor to persuade to the trainer of Terrassa to change his apparently immovable will: the changing room.

The Barcelona changing room conserves optimistic regarding the possible continuity of Xavi Hernández

As it informed in 'Relief', there are footballers that think that Xavi will give course backwards and will be still in the bench. The referred source asevera that the players see to the egarense with another spirit and a different motivation, because of the possible release of the pressure thanks to the good dynamics of the team. It has observed a clear improvement in the competitive level, especially in the defence, where the Catalan picture has attained to brake the bloodletting of annotations that suffered in the past.

Now it will be necessary to see if in front of this new stage, the Barcelona trainer changes of opinion. Although in his more recent press conferences has reiterated his refusal in front of the questions on a possible change of opinion, recently has informed that his continuity, to produce , would not be to any price. It has mentioned that Xavi would have a series of requests if it decides to remain, including the incorporation of players like Martín Zubimendi and Bernardo Silva to reinforce the staff culé.

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