Pep Guardiola and Luis Enrique, embraced before the Barça-City

It takes out breast of his FC Barcelona

Guardiola And his Barça: "we Were upper, the chance did not influence"

Published:4/04/2017 - 19:05h

Updated:5/04/2017 - 21:57h

The trainer of the Manchester City, Pep Guardiola, remembered to his magistral FC Barcelona to the hour to value the one who is being his first season in the English team. Asked after the bad luck of his, left clear that if you are upper does not influence

Calendar of FC Barcelona

In the previous press conference to the duel in front of Chelsea, Pep Guardiola took out to relucir his brilliant FC Barcelona when being asked after the bad luck that this having in this first course with the Manchester City. According to his experience, the fortune does not have at all that see with the results harvested. The triumphs of his Barça like this shows it.

"When you are very upper, the luck influences less. I was in a team where were very upper and the chance did not influence at all. When you are not it so much, has more importance", affirmed in this regard.

According to the one of Santpedor, the City has having "a lot of factors that have not been able to control" and that have influenced in the results. This yes, "like trainer can not blame to the luck, have to look for the reasons".

They remembered him the expulsion of Agüero in the party of the first turn in front of the "blues", something that does not scare him that it go back to happen. "What happened in the gone was an exceptional thing. Believe a lot of occasions in the party, and happened a lot of things that can not control. What happened in the end was the frustration of the moment, but so much Agüero like Fernandinho are players very calmed", sustained.

A Manchester City in evolution

"In this moment of the season already know in which moment are of the season. I know the good things of the team, and in what we have to improve in the future. But of course it will be a good proof in a big stage out of house, always goes well play parties of this level", said.

Finally, it left clear that so much he like his team have a lot to improve. "Improve always can , so much the trainer like the players. We can do it in the game and especially in the areas, where have not been the sufficiently solid", concluded.

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