Gerard Hammered in the meeting against the Seville


I hammered, on the complaints of the Madrid: "In the gone rested more and win 5-1"

Published:23/02/2019 - 19:45h

Updated:23/02/2019 - 19:58h

Gerard Hammered attended to the media after the victory of the Barça in Seville (2-4) and decided to answer to the Real Madrid and his criticisms by the calendar. The central did not bite the tongue and threw him an indirect to the whites. Besides, elogió to Messi by his partidazo

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Gerard Hammered went back to do a remarkable party against the Seville and cut several contras of the Andalusian group that could finish being very dangerous. The central, that never says that no to answer to culaquier provocation of the Madrid, attended to the means after the meeting and answered to the complaints that the whites have done by the calendar of LaLiga.

It is necessary to remember the words of Solari in press conference. The Argentinian ironizó on the calendar and left an indirect to the managers of LaLiga. "The calendar is curious, results us very fun. We do not choose to play in distinct circumstances, but go it to us to take like a greater challenge", commented referring to the day less than rest that will have the Madrid regarding the Barcelona to prepare the party of Glass.

To I Hammered they asked him just by these words and the defence answered with more irony still and leaving to the Madrid a bit in ridiculous. "If badly no memory, they rested a day but and remain 5-1 in the first turn. I know that they go us to expect with win. They will have many win and will do all the possible for being in the final", commented. And the true is that the central has reason, since the merengues played his meeting of Champions a Tuesday and the culés a Wednesday.

But the Catalan did not speak only of the controversy with the calendar and also referred to his recibimiento in the Bernabéu after his last statements on the team madridista and his lloros referee's. "I expect the recibimiento of always. We go to the field of the Real Madrid, there is an eternal rivalry, and expect me the same recibimiento of always", explained.

I hammered it wants to enjoy with Messi 

From it does already several seasons in the Barça has said this of "what will happen when Messi no longer was". The Argentinian is of another planet and is evident that when it withdraw or leave of the Barcelona, any player goes to be able to fill the gap that leave. But I Hammered it prefers to enjoy with the now that it still follows giving exhibitions like the one of this afternoon.

"We have it, it gives us a lot of and enjoy of him. The Catalans somos pessimistic and think in when will not have the things. But now it is, so enjoy it", commented a proud Gerard Hammered when speaking of his fellow and mate in the FC Barcelona.

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