Ronald Koeman, annoying during the Athletic-Barça


Koeman, very critical with his Barça: "The 1-0 play can never happen"

Published:22/11/2020 - 00:58h

Updated:22/11/2020 - 00:58h

Ronald Koeman appeared before the media after the defeat of FC Barcelona against Atlético de Madrid. The Dutchman was very critical of his team and himself for the result and for both the colchoneros

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Ronald Koeman spoke after the defeat of the FC Barcelona​ in front of the Athletic of Madrid by 1-0. The Dutch was very critical with his team by the goal fit, but also with him, since it described like the responsible maximum of the disaster. Besides, the Dutch technician spoke of the injuries of Gerard Hammered and Sergi Roberto, that had to withdraw of the field touched and that they could have something grave.

On the so much of Yannick Ferreira Carrasco, that took advantage of an error in chain of the defence culé and of Ter Stegen, ensured that it is a target that can not concede. "It is necessary to be much better when you lose the ball. The goal of the Athletic has been ours failure because, in the minute 47, having the balloon, can not lose it and that put you the 1-0. It can not happen what has occurred in this played of the 1-0", commented.

But in spite of the criticism to his, the trainer did not doubt in throwing of self-criticism and put in the centre of the target. "As any trainer, are the manager of the results of the team, the responsible maximum", said. Besides, it left clear in what it is necessary to improve of face to the future. "It is necessary to follow trusting the players that have, but it is necessary to improve things defensivamente, in attack also. And for the moment we have not been able to do more", affirmed.

Nevertheless, Koeman also took out something positive of the defeat, although it continued with his critical speech. "We have done the maximum to try equalise the party. We have not had many, but yes some opportunity of empatar in the second part in the head butts of Lenglet. But always it costs with the Athletic of Madrid. It is complicated to create a lot of opportunities against this team", signalled.

On the injuries of Sergi Roberto and of Hammered, the Dutch preferred to not to pronounce and commented that it will expect to that the medical proofs make . "I am concerned, as any trainer. There are a lot of injuries by the calendar that have and it is necessary to expect to the results to see how are and if they go to be a time was, do not know it. But clear, logically am concerned", aimed.

Odd final speech of Koeman

Finally, after his critical statements, surprised that to finish used these hopeful words and despreocupadas thinking in the future. "I think that the players have done everything until the last second by empatar, and like this is necessary to be still in the next parties. I am not concerned neither by the championship, not even by the classification. We need to win a series of parties, this is what matters", concluded.

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