Joan Laporta, during the presentation of precandidature to the presidency of the FC Barcelona


Laporta, on the proposals of other precandidatos: "I Expect that they are true"

Published:31/12/2020 - 13:03h

Updated:31/12/2020 - 13:03h

Joan Laporta spoke from the headquarters 'Estimate the Barça' while it presented his social program and has taken advantage of to throw a dart to the others precandidtos

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Joan Laporta knows which keys presionar, given his experience like politician inside the FC Barcelona. Proof of this has been how from the headquarters of "Estimate the Barça", epicentre of his campaign, has spoken of his opponents to the presidency of the Barcelona. This has sucedido while the same presented his proposal of social program, baptised like "Estimem l'afició".

In this sense, the precandidato and ex-president of the FC Barcelona commented some of the proposals of his opponents to do with the mandate of the club. For example, on the intention of Víctor Font to joint to Xavi Hernández and to Jordi Cruyff, the same highlighted the following: "I Respect the proposals of other candidates and expect that they are true, have not come to comment them, are respectable. They are two names that will have importance in the Barça sometime, sure".

Incidentally, Laporta also spoke on the names of stars that have sounded to be concretised like signings, to improve the staff of the team culé and that have been mentioned by other precandidatos. "Haaland And Mbappé? By experience, speak to bring now a player goes up his price and drop the price of the yours. And more to half season. I respect that others do it, but I will not do it", concluded.

Laporta Also spoke on Koeman

Part of the statements of Joan Laporta happened also by Ronald Koeman and his recent words, which gave practically by lost the tournament suspender belt. In this sense, the exmandatario was clear: "Never it is necessary to go down the policeman, have players to restart the joy and the winning spirit".

Incidentally, on the possible dismissal of the technical director Dutch once assume the new president, Larpota was clear and precise: "His continuity from 24 January? From here I encourage him to that it take the baton and encourage to the players, do not go to desestabilizar. Ronald has a margin and this margin will mark it the results"

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