Joan Laporta in the takeover


Laporta Takes out a smile to Messi in his investiture: "you Know that you can not you go"

Published:17/03/2021 - 19:20h

Updated:18/03/2021 - 15:26h

This Wednesday produced the takeover of Joan Laporta like new president of the Barcelona, by what already can begin to fulfil with his functions

Calendar of FC Barcelona

This Wednesday produced the takeover of Joan Laporta like new president of the FC Barcelona, after having been the elect candidate in the last elections for said charge. In spite of the doubts of last hour, around the guarantee that the same had to present in front of LaLiga, the process attained to do with normality, by what the new mandator can begin his functions from today.

In said act could observe to diverse personalities of the barcelonismo, such as Leo Messi and Gerard Hammered; members of the team of basketball and of the feminine divisions of the entity, the excandidatos Víctor Font and Toni Freixa; the ex-presidents Josep María Bartomeu and Sandro Rosell, the president of the Managing Board that governed the club in the last months, Carles Tusques and other participants of the functions of the club.

Carles Tusquets, ex president commissioned of the Barcelona, took the word and appreciated to all the involved of the club during his short and circunstancial management, as well as to the partners that participated in the elections in which it went out elect Laporta. Later, it proceeded to be followed the statuses of the club and communicated verbalmente that the same era already the new president of the entity, congratulating to the new board and to the candidates that participated in the comicios. Finally, the sucedor of Josep María Bartomeu billed that so much he like the rest of the members of the Managing Board "will play for the same team" that the new presidency, like message of union.

Afterwards of the intervention of Tusquets, transmitted images of the first presidential management of Joan Laporta, remarking key moments like the signings of Ronaldinho, Deco and Eto'or, the final of the Champions League of 2006 in front of the Arsenal, the trophies achieved during the sextete of 2009, the successes of the team of basketball in those years, among others moments. Of equal form, highlighted some takings of the last presidential elections and of the victory of the now president of the entity.

After this, Laporta arrived to the estrado to assume formally his charge and devote some words to the assistants to the event, as well as to all the barcelonismo. As first sentences, the new president of the club showed his emotion and appreciated to all the assistants to his takeover, adding also that, although the years that have happened have been difficult, assumes the charge with optimism and positivism.

Afterwards to appreciate to all the assistants to the event, to the players and to those who made possible his presidency, Laporta launched a message on his presidential assumption, based in one of the most particular facts of his campaign. "When we hang that banner in Madrid, the 'win to go back to see you' also was by all you, players and players of all the sections. We know that the professional life is very hard, have an extraordinary talent and are the key so that the barcelonismo recover the joy. If we want to to the Barça, have to want to all to our players and players in these times in which they can not receive the heat of the fans. I ask an applause for them", went his words.

Of equal form, the now president referred to all the captains and trainers of the distinct disciplines of the FC Barcelona. From Ronald Koeman until Sarunas Jasikevicius and the members of the divisions of handball and of the feminine teams, Laporta referred to all and transmitted his support to those who conform each one of the teams and ensured that so much he like his board will do "all the necessary efforts to follow being proud"

The Farm was another key point of the speech of Laporta, since the mandator explained that the quarry of the Barcelona is one of the most important points of the club. "A pillar is The Masia. We want to follow forming people and footballers, as the other day that listened to Ilaix Moriba thrilled when explaining how formed him . As it said Joan Gamper, "under the shield us late the heart". The figure of our founder always has excited me, when it was calling door to door to save to the club. And now we have to us arremangar to take the case and walk by the world explaining the Barça, selling the Barça and looking for sponsors, as many of which have. There is visited to follow sponsorizando. Joan Gamper approached the Barça to the society, feel us heirs of these values. This legacy will carry it forward. We know that here they do not exist these 100 days of grace, in the next party already play it to us, there is not margin. We will be to the hard and to the mature", explained the president.

Laporta, on the economy and Messi

Joan Laporta devoted part of his speech to two of the most difficult commonplaces of the actuality of the Barcelona, as they are it the economy of the club and the possible course of Lionel Messi. Apropos said financial subject, the same explained: "The economic situation has generated worry and the priority is that the club go back to be sustainable with a plan of crash for revertir the situation and a team of ready professionals for this. It does not scare us, yes it gives us respect, but will take brave decisions if necessary although they have not taken never".

Later, on Lionel Messi, produced an interesting fact, when Laporta spoke on his permanence in the club and attained that the Argentinian smiled with his words. "If had the full field, would not go you sure, until in this does us the puñeta the pandemia. But we will try to convince you. It forgives that it do reference in this act, but know the affection that have you", went the part of the presidential speech devoted to the rosarino.

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