The fc barcelona would have fixed  in the Basque like future signing

The signing that prefer the technicians

Laporte, the signing that prefer the technicians of the FC Barcelona

Published:26/02/2016 - 11:48h

Updated:1/03/2016 - 17:22h

The Catalan press ensures that Aymeric Laporte would be the central preferred by Luis Enrique to reinforce the saga of the FC Barcelona of face to the next season, treating of a young defender, fast, agile, good in the aerial game, technician and that besides knows the League

Calendar of FC Barcelona
As it has published in the last hours the newspaper "MD", the technical body of Luis Enrique would have chosen to Aymeric Laporte like option number one in the list of reinforcements of face to the next season, with the will of apuntalar the defensive axis in front of the more than likely exits of Marc Bartra and Adriano Correia to the term of the present season. The central youngster Basque of 21 years is an authentic portento physical that, in addition to being technical, good in the aerial game, intelligent in the exit of balloon and fast in the cut, knows to perfection the League BBVA and therefore it would not have any type of problem to adapt what before to the team culé.

Well it is known by all that the technical body of Luis Enrique bases the majority of his requests of signings in players that militen or have played in the League BBVA and therefore know the Spanish competitions, as it has remained showed with the arrivals of Claudio Bravo, Jeremy Mathieu, Ivan Rakitic, Burn Turan, Aleix Vidal or the fact of repescar to Rafinha Alcántara, joined to the will does some months to try the signing of Nolito to reinforce the flank of attack.

In this coyuntura, does not seem a madness that the FC Barcelona have chosen already to Aymeric Laporte like first option to reinforce the axis of the saga barcelonista by in front of Marquinhos and John Stones, more mediáticos that the Basque but more or less of the same cut of quality and same age. To his 21 years, Laporte accumulates already more than 100 parties contested in the League with the Athletic of Bilbao, standing out by his speed and big technical qualities in spite of measuring 1,89 metres.

The FC Barcelona knows that with Aymeric Laporte would win to a central for the next 10 years, and that's why it could pose the possibility to pay the 50 million clause that has the Basque footballer with the Athletic of Bilbao, a price inflado by the desorbitados signings that are carrying out the big of Europe during the last years, but could not going out of the all "expensive "" to the Barça in function of the performance that give the defender during his seasons of culé.

"For now I am in the Athletic and am focused to my season. The Barça is the best team of the world, but for now there is not at all in concrete and anybody has called me to my directly. I asked and I expect patiently", it said the player does some days to the media. In this sense, left clear that all the news that have related him with other European teams are not more than mere speculations. "This rumour of the Barça appears in each market. The last rumour spoke even of an interest of the PSG. The newspapers insist but there is not at all for real. Regarding possible contacts with the Barça, it is necessary to see it with my club because I am under contract. The Athletic never mentioned me the interest of the Barça", ensured. All professionalism.

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