Marc Guiu con el FC Barcelona


Marc Guiu is running as Lewandowski's substitute in case Vitor Roque ends up leaving

Published:1/05/2024 - 20:41h

Updated:1/05/2024 - 20:41h

Marc Guiu could have more minutes in the field and be the substitute of Robert Lewandowski. However, everything will depend of the future of Vitor Roque and of if this finally leaves yielded in the next market of signings

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The leading youngster, Marc Guiu, surfaces like an option of backrest so much for Robert Lewandowski as for the FC Barcelona in case that Vitor Roque finish leaving as yielded in the next market of signings. And it is that as it informs Ferran Martínez for 'Sportive World', the canterano finds negotiating an adecuación of his agreement to his current role, what would expand and would armour his future like Barcelona.

The decision of Xavi Hernández to continue at the head of the Barça by the remaining year of his agreement keeps the option that players like Guiu, to the equal that Héctor Fort, remain in the first team of face to the next season. Although they form part of the plantel professional, will follow having index card of the filial. As it mentioned previously, the '38' could have of more minutes, especially if 'Tigrinho' leaves yielded.

Although it did not have a participation stood out in terms of minutes in the field during the official meetings, the ariete took advantage of each opportunity to show all his talent. It is necessary to remember that it did his official debut in front of the Athletic Club and, with so alone seconds in the lawn, annotated his first goal like professional. With this, won more opportunities to play and, in front of the Amberes, with an alternative team, 'wetted' on the hour. In the meantime, with the Barça Atlètic, has been one of the most stood out, annotating in several commitments.

Everything will depend on the decision that take with Vitor Roque

The Brazilian forward has not attained to strengthen in the tactical diagram used by Xavi Hernández. This has generated doubts inside the institution, so much that it is evaluating the possibility to send it to loan to another club so that it win experience and adapt to the style of game that deploys in the European football.

In front of this situation, to the club present him two alternatives like spare of 'Lewy'. On the one hand, it is the one to continue betting by the polivalencia of Ferran Torres and his capacity to play of 'false nine'. By the another, is the option to give him continuity to future to Marc Guiu, the one who has answered every time that Xavi has awarded him the opportunity to play.

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