Marlon Santos, during a party of pre-season with the Barça

The Barça renewed to his head office

Marlon, happy: "it Is a privilege renew by the Barça"

Published:15/06/2017 - 15:52h

Updated:15/06/2017 - 15:52h

"Be still in the Barcelona is a big privilege", affirmed the central of the Barça B Marlon Santos after signing his links with the Barcelona group. An agreement that will carry him to the first team, where will be able to show to Valverde if it has to follow or go yielded

Calendar of FC Barcelona

In some statements that collects "Barça TV" the central Brazilian Marlon Santos left clear the happy that was after renewing his agreement with the Barcelona entity. This did effective his option of purchase with the Fluminense, what will leave him in the club until June of 2020.

By all this, Marlon expects that it was the start of a sportive life very fruitful in the Barcelona club. A team in which it has felt very to taste during this time and of the that, confesses, "is a big privilege" follow forming part.

"I value the decision of the best possible way. My woman and all my family are very happy by this renewal. It is a big privilege for me. I expect to conquer titles and take advantage of the opportunities that have. I am very happy. I will go step by step to fulfil the aims", aimed the defender.

Marlon Santos, centred in rising with the Barça B

Marlon to the that still remains him an aim for fulfilling in front of to give the definite jump to the first team: rise with the filial. "We did a very good season and now what remains is 'kill', 'kill' and finish of the best possible way", sustained the defender, that will be to title except injury or surprise in the last eliminatory in front of the Racing of Santander.

"We are again in the final and ojalá have the opportunity to win there (in Santander) and in the Mini afterwards. We are very concentrated and value a lot these parties because the aim is to rise to Second Division and ojalá achieve it", added.

Marlon, the favourite of the fans like fourth head office

It is a secret to voices that Jeremy Mathieu will abandon the team this summer, ay was traspasado or free. What leaves to the defence culé with Gerard Hammered, Samuel Umtiti and Javier Mascherano, three men of guarantees. And for this fourth head office, the means already have commissioned to begin a bombardment of name that, according to the fans, would finish in a moment.

As as we have been able to check in FCBN, the grandísima majority of readers culés bet by no fichar to anybody and give him the opportunity to the defender of the filial Marlon Santos. With a spectacular 75% that is the majority answer of the fans to the question "Ficharías to another central or would bet by Marlon?". The options were varied, being able to opt by fichar a central contrasted, one young or go up to another of the filial that was not the Brazilian. But the answer has been clear and conclusive.

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