Pau Gasol, launching a free throw in the Palau Blaugrana


Moving reaction of Pau Gasol after going back to make history with the Barça

Published:16/06/2021 - 09:05h

Updated:16/06/2021 - 11:54h

Pau Gasol was a key piece so that the Barça of Saras, once again, swept of the map to the Real Madrid this season 2020-21 and heaved definitively with the title of League Endesa seven years afterwards

Calendar of FC Barcelona

They have not been easy times for Pau Gasol. The one of Sant Boi had to recover of an injury that kept him two absent years and, after taking the decision to play the second half of the campaign 2020-21 with the Barcelona of Saras Jasikevicius, the time has showed that it did not make a mistake. Pau Gasol has gone improving split to party, to measure that took rhythm of competition, until turning into the best player culé with permission of Mirotic.

This Tuesday, in the second party of the finals of the League Endesa against the Real Madrid, the pívot Catalan went back to be key so that the blaugrana resolved the eliminatory and put the 2-0 definite, that allows them win the ACB seven years afterwards (the third in the career of Pau Gasol, as already it conquered it in two occasions in 1999 and 2001, just before going to Memphis Grizzlies).

In statements conceded to 'Movistar+', Pau Gasol showed visibly thrilled and appreciated to all those who have given him the opportunity to go back to dress the elastic Barcelona, participating like this of the successes of the present campaign. "I am thrilled and happy. They have been some years durillos with a lot of doubts, but with work, without throwing the towel, have been able to live a moment like east. Live a moment like this after being father is something very special that never had lived like player", exclaimed the one of Sant Boi.

Accompanied of his woman and his daughter of so only some months of age, Elisabeth Gianna, Gasol raised beside Pierre Oriola the glass of champions, enjoyed beside his mates and celebrated to the big the one who definitely is one of the big successes of his career, no by his importance but by his degree of autosuperación constant: Pau Gasol of mediated of June is not, neither by show, the one who began to train in the month of March.

It will follow Pau a year more in the Barça?

"I am very appreciated to all, to the Barça for believing in me when no many believed", puntualizó Pau, that still desconoce which will be his future. "Always it can be your last party when you already have beaten all the prognoses with almost 41 years. I am happy to having competed to this level to these heights".

"Now I will be with my family, afterwards with the selection and will see what do in the future", said Pau, bicampeón of the NBA with Los Angeles Lakers in 2009 and 2010, and now champion again of an ACB LEAGUE with the FC Barcelona. You do not leave that the dream finish so prompt, Pau! By in front they remain some weeks of rest and of preparation for the Olympic games of Tokyo. And afterwards, who knows...

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