Eric García, new player of the FC Barcelona


OFFICIAL: Eric García, new FC Barcelona player!

Published:1/06/2021 - 09:28h

Updated:1/06/2021 - 09:28h

FC Barcelona has confirmed the signing of Eric García from Manchester City. The Catalan central returns home, as a free agent

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Èric García has returned home. The FC Barcelona has confirmed the traspaso of the pertinent central defender of the Manchester City, in a free transfer. The Spanish, formed in the Barcelona inferior rows, was allocated to return to the City Condal to continue his career futbolística and, after several attempts, the Barça at last has achieved to do with his index card.

The interest of the Barcelona is not thing of this market. From the past year, after the fateful night in Lisbon in front of the Bayern, the Barcelona put like aim reinforce the defence and the name of Eric García went out like the main candidate. The Catalan, that arrived to the Manchester City in 2017, went in in his last year of agreement with the English group and saw his price reduced, but equally was inalcanzable for the Barcelona.

The Barça had to expect and, finally, have done with his traspaso. The central goes back to Barcelona, his hometown, as one of the big promises in the low zone of the field and with Pep Guardiola 'enamoured' of his game. And it is that although it did not have a lot of opportunities in the Etihad Stadium, the Catalan trainer confessed his admiration in several opportunities, so references to Eric do not are missing him to arrive to lead the defensive saga culé.

Part of the admiration of Pep is that García has the 'DNA Barça' very marked. It says that it can turn into the new Gerard Hammered, because it shares characteristics with his compatriot. It is able to lead the defence by his positioning and big tactical knowledge. His reading of party, exit of balloon and form to begin the played from the low zone of the field are some of the characteristics that have carried him to turn into a central of present and future.

An ideal signing

The reality is that the arrival of the central Spanish is a big tarpaulin of the Barcelona directive. It fits to remember that it lands to the City Condal like free agent, to cost zero. It has said in the last weeks that, in fact, has been had tor ebajarse his wage with such to return to the Barça, something that speaks of cuán committed is.

The greater tarpaulin is his age. It is 20 years old, fulfilled in January, and is recently beginning his career. This, however, does not want to say that it do not have experience. To his short age already is player of the Spanish national selection, with which already has been summoned in several opportunities, winning a place in the eleven of Luis Enrique.

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