Marlon Santos in the FC Barcelona-Eibar of LaLiga 2016-17


OFFICIAL: Marlon Santos will continue in the FC Barcelona

Published:15/06/2017 - 00:18h

Updated:15/06/2017 - 01:09h

Marlon Santos will continue in the FC Barcelona. The club has communicated it this Wednesday to the Brazilian player in which it will apply the clause stipulated in his agreement and in which it will be tied to the Barcelona entity the next three seasons

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Marlon Santos will continue in the FC Barcelona. The club has communicated it this Wednesday to the Brazilian player in which it will apply the clause stipulated in his agreement and in which it will be tied to the Barcelona entity the next three seasons.

The defence has contested the season with the Barça B being a very important piece for Gerard López. Marlon Santos has contested a total of 24 parties with the Barcelona subsidiary, being headline in 22 of these.

His good performances have done that the central Brazilian was summoned by Luis Enrique, the one who did it debut with the first team in front of the Celtic in the party of League of Champions of the phase of groups. Taking advantage of the absence of Gerard Hammered in the final stretch of the season, Marlon played the two last parties of League with the first team being headline and contesting the 90 minutes.

Our readers had it clear

As we could check in FCBN does some weeks, the grandísima majority of readers culés bet by no fichar to anybody and give him the opportunity to the defender of the filial Marlon Santos.

With a spectacular 75% that is the majority answer of the fans to the question "Ficharías to another central or would bet by Marlon?". The options were varied, being able to opt by fichar a central contrasted, one young or go up to another of the filial that was not the Brazilian. But the answer has been clear and conclusive.

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