Rafinha Alcántara, during a train with the Barça in an image of archive


OFFICIAL: Rafinha Alcántara receives the high with the future in the air

Published:18/06/2019 - 16:47h

Updated:18/06/2019 - 16:49h

The FC Barcelona has issued a communiqué, this Tuesday, in which it has announced the total recovery of a Rafinha Alcántara that it already has the high medical, and that is expecting of negotiations with the Barcelona club for esclarecer his future

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Good news for Rafinha Alcántara, and also for the FC Barcelona. The Hispanic-Brazilian has received the high medical and already is smart to compete, after having surpassed a long period of inactivity fruit of the operation to which was subjected to finals of 2018, to correct a break of the ligament crossed previous of the left knee.

The canterano of the FC Barcelona fell lesionado to finals of November during a party in front of the Athletic of Madrid. It has suffered grave injuries in his knees in the last three years, but as it has sucedido always, once again has attained to recover. The own footballer ensured that it would not be smart for the end of the course, but that his aim was to recover and be to the same level that his mates for the start of the pre-season.

To day of today is an incógnita if it will contest or no said pre-season with the FC Barcelona, since his future is in the air when having hanged the poster of transferible. Lto will of the Barça is to close a traspaso that allow to take out something of money -between 15-20 million euros-, but if the player does not receive interesting offers could contest the pre-season and try win a place in the staff.

It finishes agreement on 30 June 2020 and, if something has clear, is that it wishes to have of minutes with regularity. In this sense, if the option of the traspaso is not viable also remains opened the possibility that it renew and leave traspasado with option of purchase, something similar to what did with Denis Suárez before it did the cases course to the Arsenal.

The future of Rafinha Alcántara, an incógnita

Rafinha Has quality of leftovers to surrender to big level in a competitive club, but needs that the physicist respect him. As it has published recently 'Superdeporte', Valencia is one of the clubs that would have interested by his situation in the market of signings. The group 'ché' also pretends to the Galician Denis Suárez, although the negotiations by him would have cooled .

Going back to Rafinha, the Real Betis has sounded also like option, to the equal that the Celtic of Vigo. To arrive to an agreement with a club of LaLiga Santander, however, is likely that the canterano Barcelona have to recess the wage, something to what would be had as long as they ensure him minutes to the maximum competitive level.

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