Papu Gómez speaking with Lionel Messi


Papu Gómez: "Messi does not need a lot to do big things"

Published:2/03/2021 - 16:16h

Updated:2/03/2021 - 16:16h

Mates in the Argentinian selection from 2017, "Papu" Gómez and Lionel Messi will go back to find in the field in the turn of semifinals of Glass of Rey

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The turn of semifinals of Glass of the King between Barcelona and Seville already breathes in the Spanish football, afterwards of a party of gone in that the Andalusians dominated to the culés and left the feeling to take out them of career. But the recent crash between both corresponding to LaLiga, revives the hopes for the directed by Koeman after giving back him the 2-0 and leave a big party.

Between the protagonists stands out the "Papu" Gómez, habilidoso mediocampista Argentinian that after his bad moment in the Atalanta of the Series To decided to do cases course to Seville to put to the orders of Lopetegui. Hardly it arrived it began to do important in the group hispalense and already saw some minutes in Glass, contesting almost all the meeting in front of the Barcelona in the gone.

The attacker has clear which is the main factor to take care in front of the Barcelona: Lionel Messi. Although it has had high and drops in the present season, the 10 Barcelona keeps on being a big threat for the rivals and like this understands it the one who besides in his mate in the Argentinian selection, speaking on his big potential.

"It does not need a lot to do big things, with that light a poquito already is sufficient so that it do fantastic things and go to have to take care us a lot of him, as well as of the other players. We expect that it do not have his day", declared Gómez in an interview for ABC Seville.

From his arrival to Spain, the Argentinian player caused a big first stir with the dance that did it viral, afterwards with his performances in the field, of big utility for the Seville and that every time approach him more to his best version, the one who marvelled to all when it began to lead to the Atalanta so much in the Italian football as in the Champions League.

Respect and admiration to his mates

In spite of having arrived considered like star by his past in the Series To, the "Papu" has clear that it is one more in Seville and that this that lives is product of the big work of his mates, especially in relation to the Glass of Rey, in which has the possibility to play the final.

"Arrive and be so near of a so prompt final is magnificent, but the merit is of the boys that did the work from the beginning, I put my part and seat me lucky to having played some minutes in fourth and also in front of the Barcelona", matizó the Argentinian.

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