Pau Gasol celebrates a basket with the Barça


Pau Gasol entered Scariolo's roster for the Olympic Games

Published:19/06/2021 - 18:00h

Updated:19/06/2021 - 18:00h

The name of Pau Gasol entered the list of 18 players of the Spanish basketball team that will play the Tokyo Olympics

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Eight champions of the world in 2019 (Ricky Blond, Sergio Llull, Rudy Fernández, Víctor Claver, Juancho Hernangómez, Willy Hernangómez, Marc Gasol and Pierre Oriola), the returns of Pau Gasol, Sergio Rodríguez and Álex Abrines four years after his last championship and the debut in an announcement of Usman Garuba and Sergi Martínez are undoubtedly the most stood out notes of the list of 18 players summoned by Sergio Scariolo to prepare the the Olympic games of this summer in Tokyo.

The mentioned list of 18 players complete it five players (Alberto Abalde, Carlos Alocén, Darío Brizuela, Sebas Saiz and Xabi López-Aróstegui) that already have formed part of the team in the 'windows' of classification for the Glass of the World and/or the Eurobasket. By what, in addition to the stars, another important point to highlight is that the group knows well and aim to represent a big paper in the JJOO.

Likewise it has been able to know that the team will gather next Friday 25 June in the city of Madrid, where will make his first trainings before contesting the parties of preparation that were programmed. That is to say, will have vast time of preparation to mesh the pieces and split to tone to Tokyo.

His turns will close the Sunday 18 July in front of United States in The Vegas, country from where already will fly with definite course to Tokyo. And afterwards of almost a week of acclimatisation in the Japanese capital, will debut in the Olympic games the Monday 26 July in front of the host country of the Olympic appointment, Japan.

Promise fulfilled

Pau Gasol returned to the FC Barcelona with the conviction to put to tone for like this recover his level of elite, which allowed him to final of season, win the called to the Spanish selection that represented to the country in the Olympic games of Tokyo. The historical star of the Spanish basketball returned and now will have the hard challenge to do the duties in the Olympic stage.

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