Pedro and jordi alba saw again  after the course of the Canarian to the chelsea

Pedro and Jordi Alba saw again the faces

Pedro and Jordi Alba saw again the faces

Published:2/09/2015 - 11:17h


Calendar of FC Barcelona

After the exit of the Tenerifean of the FC Barcelona to Chelsea, Pedro Rodríguez and Jordi Alba saw again the faces and happened a while pleasant beside the also player of the Premier Santi Cazorla. It was the past Tuesday, before concentrating with Spain.

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Mates of selection and of team until does some weeks, but especially big friends, Pedro Rodríguez and Jordi Alba went back to reencontrar after the exit of the Canarian player to Chelsea English. It was before concentrating with the selection of Vicente of the Forest when both players, accompanied of the Asturian of the Arsenal, Santi Cazorla, and the director of the selection, Maria José Claramunt, remained to eat together and happen a beautiful sobremesa speaking of his current lives.

Jordi Alba is, definitely, one of the best friends that has Pedro inside the Barcelona changing room. In fact, one of the main looks when the extreme was about to go of the Catalan team was he, to the that the journalists "sewed" to questions every time that they could to know the situation of the Tenerifean. With his exit, Alba lost to a big friendship to his side but showed happy since it was what the own player wanted to.

And it is that Pedro is happy in London where, although his team carry a bad series, feels important and José Mourinho has done him fixed in his diagram title. The 27 more variable millions that the londinenses paid by him helped him to emigrate to Great Britain where debuted with goal and assistance. Precisely the last time that Pedro and Jordi saw was the day of his farewell, when all the staff accompanied him and arropó in his last press conference like blaugrana.

Concentrated with Spain

Now the three footballers find concentrated with 'the red', that will contest the Saturday 5 and the Tuesday 8 of Septembers the two next parties valederos for the classification for the Eurocopa 2016. The Spanish selection will receive in the New Carlos Tartiere of Oviedo to Slovakia, where will play the first square of the Group C after having lost the first party by 2 to 1 in front of the same rival. After this the selected will travel to Macedonia to contest the second and last meeting of the announcement.

To photo posted by Pedro Rodriguez Ledesma (@_pedro17_) on

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