Leo Messi celebrates a goal beside Carles Puyol, in a photo of archive

It considers it the best, compared to CR7

Puyol Gives the keys by which Messi "continues improving"

Published:17/05/2017 - 16:29h

Updated:17/05/2017 - 16:29h

"Cristiano is one of the big players of the history, but Messi is the best", affirmed Carles Puyol in an interview in the Indian, country that will house the World-wide sub-17. In the same gave the keys to explain how the crack of the Barça continues to improve constantly

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In the eternal comparison between Cristiano Ronaldo and Leo Messi, many defend that if the Argentinian is better that the Portuguese is due to his constant improvement from ten years ago. The same that carries in the summit and on which an excompañero his in the FC Barcelona has spoken.

Carles Puyol explained in a recent interview, conceded in the Indian promoting the World-wide sub-17, the keys of the Argentinian star. "Messi follows improving, and has showed consistent along 10 years, continues improving constantly and this is because has dedication, passion", sustained.

And it is that "Puyi" has clear that "Cristiano is one of the big players of the history, but Messi is the best ofall . I have played with him, and it has given me a lot of joys. I would say that both are big players, his competition is very intense and helps them to be followed improving".

For Puyol, Gerard Hammered is the best head office of the World

Of the crack rosarino also asks a wish for his future. "Ojalá Win something with Argentina, no only with the Barça, then will have won everything with all", aimed.

By what does to his position, the one of head office, has clear that his fellow "Geri" is the best that there is. "Right now, I Hammered it is the best of the world, is very difficult to play in this position in the Barça. I stand out also to Javier Mascherano", believed convenient to affirm. And finally, it launched a message of hope of face to The Masia: "there are incredible young players that will represent as it is because of the Catalan club in the future".

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