Net Walled in the party in front of Seville


The reason by which is complicating the exit of Neto

Published:19/06/2021 - 12:26h

Updated:19/06/2021 - 12:26h

The guardameta acting of Ter Stegen already is tired to live to his shadow and said him to the directive that wants to go. However, give him an exit does not seem to be an easy task

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Brazilian goalkeeper, Net Walled (31), is one of the players of the staff of the Barça that finds in the group of transferibles. No because the club want to that this look for other airs, but because he said it to him to the sportive direction in the past wintry market.

Nevertheless, it exists a big problem, in the Camp Nou do not explain, at least until the day of yesterday, with a solid offer so that it abandon the staff and near sources to the directive recognise that his exit is tornando an increasingly difficult task.

At present, the leaders of the club want to remain with Net. More now that Ter Stegen is lesionado and recovering of an operation. By what know very well that need of a goalkeeper of experience that can play of immediate way. For the moment, the main bet is Iñaki Crag of the filial, but is true that need of a relief to the hand.

The reason by which wants to go to another team is that it carries two years of acting and already said him to Ronald Koeman in December his restlessness for having more minutes in the parties and be much more that the acting of the guardameta German, although this does not seem that it was answered. In the last months has appeared the Everton like destination of the guardameta, but the offer never arrived to concretise or to formalise .

In this regard, sources of the club explained to Sportive World that do not handle any solid proposal by Net. The problem is not alone of traspaso, of amortización of his signing, since they are had to consider a simple cession or a conveyance with option to buy, but also of index card, that would be above what the clubs that, to date have asked after he, could pay.

The Barça fichó to Net two summers backwards, in an operation to two bands with Valencia. In that then, the leader of the Barcelona square traspasó to Cillessen by 35 million euros and bought to the Brazilian by the same quantity, but delivered in 26 fixed and 9 in variables. In full pandemia, the negotiators of the Barça know very well that it can not ask a traspaso alike, but yes want to recover a part of what invested in him.

Masip And Net

The club keeps an open list of goalkeepers in case Net goes . The sportive direction has gathered with the representatives of varied of these like Jordi Masip (Valladolid) and also Onana (Ajax), to collect information, although also there are other names on the table.

Masip Woke up the interest of the Barcelona before the signing of Cillessen. Even it existed a pre-agreement with the technical office to be the acting goalkeeper, but the cúpula leader, agreed to opt by Cillessen. The leaders of the Barça ensure that while there is not an offer by Net, that do to see the imminence of his exit and consider his value in the market, by what will not tackle other options and will not attend any ofrecimiento, as it happened with Donnammura, that is about to to sign by the PSG. Koeman, by his part, would prefer a correctivo immediate, since the staff will return to the trainings on 12 July

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