Luka Jovic in a match of Real Madrid in the Copa del Rey


The reasons why Barça ruled out the signing of Luka Jovic

Published:25/05/2020 - 17:20h

Updated:25/05/2020 - 17:20h

Luka Jovic has been one of Madrid's biggest disappointments this season. Barça noticed him last season and studied his signing seriously, but in the end he ruled it out for various reasons

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Luka Jovic Was one of the big disclosures of Europe the past season. The Serbian went out in the Bundesliga with the Eintracht of Frankfurt and marked 27 goals between all the competitions, arriving even to the semifinals of the Europe League. To his 21 years, the Balkan woke up the interest of several big of Europe like the FC Barcelona​ and the Real Madrid, that bid by his signing. At the end, the culés withdrew of the bidding and the forward finish in Santiago Bernabéu in return of 60 million euros.

His adventure in Madrid is not going as it expected and is being one of the big disappointments of the campaign in Chamartín. The tip only has marked 2 goals in 24 meetings contested and hardly has explained for Zinedine Zidane. The French only has given him 9 titularities, leaving him the opportunity to finish the crash an alone time. In until 10 occasions has played only 10 minutes or less and in summary has happened entirely unobserved.

His technician does not seem to trust too much in him and besides has had a pair of problems recently that they have not helped him. First it jumped the confinement in this quarantine in Serbia and was not far to receive a severe penal punishment. In case this embarrassment was not little, when the Madrid called him so that it went back found with that had a fracture in the bone calcaneum of his right foot. In the White House tried to cover it arguing that it had been training, but there is the one who says that it did it to him home. It was as it was, it will be of drop during several months and will not dress of short until the course that comes.

The season of Jovic already has finished with results at all favourable for him and his future in the Madrid, that some say that it paints quite black. In the meantime, in the Barça perhaps applaud his decision of not going to by him and try to close to the '9' that yes want to, Lautaro Martínez. In the Camp Nou, as it aims 'Sportive World' studied the signing of the ex of the Eintracht carefully and during quite a lot of time was the favourite for the place.

Éric Abidal and members of his technical office were in Germany several times to see it in direct and the reports that took out fuero very positive. In the club liked a lot the Balkan and saw him like a goleador with a lot of future. But in spite of this, there were things of the Serbian that did not convince and therefore it left free road to the Madrid. Anybody doubted of his capacity goleadora and striker, since has things of 'killer' of elite, but yes doubted and a lot of his style in relation to what wants the Barça.

The Barça saw to Jovic too static

The culés need a mobile tip, that fall to bands, that can combine with his mates and that was not an island. Jovic, as it has showed in the little that has played in the Madrid, has more quality of which seems and in spaces reduced can combine with ease, but neither much less is a mobile forward. The international by Serbia does not have a field of important action and is used to to expect too many times in static to that it arrive him the ball.

The one of Loznica does not be used to to throw too many desmarques neither is used to to generate advantages for his mates in this sense. Has goal, moves well in positions advanced, technically is remarkable and is a big striker, but is not a mobile attacker and combinativo, as yes it is it for example Lautaro. This, joined to that flirted with the Madrid while it spoke with the Barça, and to the fact that the Eintracht asked a millonada by him, moved away to the Barcelona, that preferred no fichar to any '9' and trust Antoine Griezmann, the big bet of the past summer.

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