River plate wants to to the defender of the fc barcelona javier mascherano like trainer player

River wants to Mascherano like player-trainer

River wants to Mascherano like player-trainer

Published:15/09/2015 - 20:00h


Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Argentinian team dreams with bringing of turn to the defender of the FC Barcelona Javier Mascherano to exert like trainer and at the same time like footballer. River thinks in 2017 but even could replantear his turn for the pròxima campaign, in case that Marcelo Gallardo decide to test fortune in Europe

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The Argentinian group River Plate is planning an operation that could give with the bones of Javier Mascherano of turn to the millionaire team. The idea is to find a suscesor to his current trainer, Marcelo Gallardo whose work is not happening unobserved in Europe, where could receive for the next season his first offers to direct a bench in the old continent. Gallardo, exfutbolista of River, arrived with little bagaje in the benches but already has conquered the Sudamericana and the Libertadores.

And it is thus that, as it affirms the newspaper ?Sport?, the leaders of the club of Sea of the Silver have begun to look for alternatives for the direction of his pupilos, and one of them would be a man that went out to shoulders of The Monumental: Javier Mascherano. The ?jefecito? Already it has declared in several occasions that sees like trainer when it hang the boots and even could finish exerting the two professions at the same time in his beginnings like technician.

From River know that the operation could be complicated. And it is that ?Masche? It finish agreement with the FC Barcelona in 2018 and then would have 34 years. That same season will take place the World-wide of Qatar, what, on the other hand, could help to his exit before in case to have a lot of competition in his place and that River guarantee him minutes in his square.

It fits to remember that Javier Mascherano played in River Plate from 2003 until 2006. Then already it was very wanted so much by staff like bloated, in addition to having purchased a name in the world-wide football. Thanks to this was the Corinthians the one who carried it to him to Brazil together with Carlos Tévez for afterwards finish first in the West Ham and later in the Liverpool before finish in his current club, the FC Barcelona.

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