The technical secretary of the fc barcelona does not throw the towel with burn turan

Roberto: "Better that this pass now and no more advance"

Roberto: "Better that this pass now and no more advance"

Published:23/09/2015 - 22:17h


Calendar of FC Barcelona

The technical secretary of the FC Barcelona, Robert Fernández, wanted to subtract importance to the been bulky victory of the Celtic of Vigo against the Barcelona group and ensured, looking the positive part, that this type of defeats is better "that happen now and no more advance"

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In statements carried out in just mixed zone after the FC Barcelona fit a painful defeat against the Celtic of Vigo in Balaídos, Robert Fernández showed understanding by the Barcelona shipwreck (4-1) and ensured, looking the positive face, that these defeats "is better that happen now and no more advance".

"We have to congratulate to the Celtic because it has done a very complete party. Instead we have not had the necessary luck. We have had occasions in which we have been able to put us by in front in the marker. From the 1-0 have had difficulties and in the contras can do you a lot of damage", said, elogiando the game of the Galician group.

"It is better that happen now that no inside four months. It is necessary to analyse the things because it remains a lot of League", valued, praising also the party of Nolito. "Already we know of the quality of the player. It is a glorious footballer, goes teneindo a big regularity with very good conditions".

It did not throw the fault to Ter Stegen in any of the four goals fit by the youngster guardameta German of the FC Barcelona. "Always we have to analyse the tarpaulin of the forward. It has had the picardía and security to mark this goal. We can not throw him the fault to the goalkeeper".

And, finally, it followed without throwing the towel regarding the possibility that it Burn Turan can debut before the expected with the Barça. "Our position is clear and ojalá could be. It is not an ours decision and only remains us expect. That it can occur it is our intention and wish. But we have to expect, they are those that decide".

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