Sandro Ramírez, cabizbajo in a party of this season


Sandro Ramírez, motivated in spite of the fault of opportunities

Published:26/03/2016 - 12:53h

Updated:26/03/2016 - 12:53h

The Canarian attacker of the FC Barcelona, Sandro Ramírez, has all the ballots to abandon the team to the term of the present season, but in spite of this follows motivated and working duramente in the recovery of his injury

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The leading youngster Canarian of the FC Barcelona, Sandro Ramírez, does not surrender although this is not being, neither much less, the best season of his career futbolística. It has attained to occupy a place in the staff of the first team, but this "luck" could finish when it open the market of summer and the Barcelona put him in the market, already was by means of a cession or a traspaso with option of repurchase, following the model practised during the last times with Denis Suárez, Adama Traoré and Gerard Deulofeu.

Sandro had of a lot of opportunities of game during the first stretch of the season because of the injury of Leo Messi and to the absences in some parties of Neymar and Luis Suárez, but never seemed to adapt of the all to the game of the first team, to the high level of requirement neither neither showed too much chemistry on the lawn with his mates. All this has done that Luis Enrique have him like the last offensive cartridge of the team, although at present it is lesionado and will not be able to go back to play until finals of April or principles of May.

The player, in spite of everything, does not surrender and has published in the last hours, through the social network Instagram, a video in which it can him see making eslalons and working in a sandy zone of the Ciutat Esportiva of Sant Joan Despí, rehabilitating of the injury and doing all the possible for arriving with options of game to the final stretch of the season, in which the Barça could play more than a title.

From now on, in any case, foresees that the trident formed by Leo Messi, Neymar Jr and Luis Suárez was headline in practically all the meetings, whereas Munir, Aleix Vidal and Burn Turan will be viable options to freshen the legs in attack when any of the components of the "MSN" need rest. For the moment, what is clear, in the case of Sandro Ramírez, is that has very few ballots to go back to have prominence this season with the Barça. And also to continue in the staff of face to the next course. If it finish leaving, his place in the staff could be for Denis Suárez... Or for some another signing.


We follow with the recovery. Each better day??➰❗️

A video published by Sandro Ramirez (@sandroramirez9) the25 of Sea of 2016 to the(s) 4:42 PDT

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