Sandro Ramírez, in the Málaga-Athletic of the season 2016-17


Sandro Ramírez: "there is world further of the FC Barcelona"

Published:7/06/2017 - 18:45h

Updated:7/06/2017 - 18:45h

After being summoned with the Spanish selection Sub21, Sandro Ramírez reviews the big decisions in his career, and like leaving of the FC Barcelona to the Málaga, fact of the that no arrepiente, finish turning into a big tarpaulin

Calendar of FC Barcelona

That there is world further of the big teams is a fact that many commission to show but that costs to face in first instance. However, it has not been like this for Sandro Ramírez, that finds in his course of the FC Barcelona one of the keys of the success in his career.

"I knew cual was my role inside the Barcelona, one that I did not want to because I am young and ambitious. I want to keep growing and maturing and of the only form in which you can achieve these things is playing to the football. It wanted to contest minutes and like this has been", explained the forward, from the concentration of the Spanish selection, before sentencing that "no me arrepiento for nothing to having gone out of the Barcelona, there is world further of the big clubs".

For the Canarian, one of the keys to improve in his career is to be strong, to assume the situation that is used to live in the Barça and can act in consequence. "In a big know that although you do it well in a training, the weekend go to go to the bench or to the terracing. It is necessary to be very strong and think in positive. Know that you are training with the best of the world and in the best club of the world", comments. And it finish insisting: "It Is necessary to think that one has to go out to train to keep growing, but arrives a moment in that one also needs minutes".

The fashionable tip, also in the selection

Sandro Ramírez, that could leave the Málaga for enrolarse in the rows of the Atético of Madrid, reviewed also in his interview the big season that has carried him to sound like reinforcement for several clubs. "It has gone out very well, as one expected. Had some expectations to go to a team to litigate by a place and have minutes and like this has been. I have marked fourteen goals and am very happy", ensured the ex of the Barça.

"With the call of the selection sees reflected the big work so much individual like community", aims the attacker, that sees to the group with possibilities to proclaim campeon of the European Sub21. "The competition is better for the team. Have players of a lot of level, that play in important teams, Marco won the Champions theSaturday , for example. We are to help and with win to bring us the European", concretised.

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