Héctor Bellerín, during a match with the Arsenal


Héctor Bellerín does not leave to call the attention of the Barcelona

Published:22/04/2021 - 01:21h

Updated:22/04/2021 - 08:54h

The directive led by Laporta does not leave to consider options for signings that allow him reinforce the first team. Between these options, appears a side of the "gunners"

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The directive of the Barcelona already finds trying define how will be the staff of the next season and are varied the names that sound like possible signings. For the moment, financial situation of the Barcelona complicates that they can do considerable investments, except the exception of Erling Haaland of the Borussia Dortmund.

By this reason, is that the directive gives priority to players whose agreements finish this summer with his respective clubs. In this second stage, appears the figure of Héctor Bellerín, right side of the Arsenal which carries several seasons being gone on down the Barça.

The half English 'The Sun' published that Bellerín would have taken the decision to change of airs this next summer in front of the few options that have the "gunners" to play in European tournaments next year. By this, exists the possibility that the Camp Nou could be where land the current defender of the Arsenal.

The Arsenal, in semifinals of the Europe League, has a light possibility to play the Champions if it wins the continental tournament. The defender of 26 years, has agreement with the Arsenal until 2023 and his cotización of market round the 25 million euros, a quantity that could see reduced product of the drop of prices caused by the crisis of the coronavirus.

In addition to the possible return of Bellerín to the Barça, 'The Sun' also details that the PSG also would have interested by the Spanish side. However, to date neither the player neither any of the here mentioned clubs have confirmed said informations.

Followed of time backwards

The informations on the interest so much of the Barcelona as of the PSG in the youngster, the one who in a principle was used to to be canterano of the Barcelona date at least from the past month of February. However, in that occasion, The Telegraph ensured that the directive of the Parisian square would not have a "real interest" in Bellerín. The reason of this, is because what have in wallet would want to use it to give him priority to the agreements of Neymar and of Mbappé.

Bellerín, by his part, already has given signals of discomfort with the Arsenal. This occurred the past month of February when the "gunners" lost a party of the Premier League against the WolwerHampton 2-1. "I carry saying a time that the teams do not win us, are we those that lose against us same. We have to learn. I expect that this was the last time, because we were in a good series, with a lot of confidence in the team", said.

Signing of Eric García

For the moment, the only signing that the Barcelona seems to have of first in row is the one of Eric García, central Spanish of the Manchester City and ex canterano to the equal that Bellerín. However, the youngster would be studying the offer that did him Laporta, since the same is not of the same value in economic terms that did him months backwards, this is due to that debt and the crisis of the coronavirus has done mellas in the wallet of the Camp Nou

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