Andrés Iniesta and Pep Guardiola in a party of the FC Barcelona


A Warriors star sets an example for Guardiola's Barça

Published:19/10/2022 - 20:25h

Updated:19/10/2022 - 20:25h

The world of the football had a before and an afterwards in the season 2008/2009. Guardiola Arrived to the FC Barcelona and in his first season finished winning everything with a new style of game, something that has arrived even to trascend to the deport king

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The legend of Pep Guardiola in the benches goes much more there of Spain, of Europe, and of the own football. The four seasons that directed the Catalan technician to the FC Barcelona were applauded to world-wide level and the sportive successes between 2008 and 2012 have served of inspiration for many. It won 14 titles, included a 'sextete', and his way of game, only in the world in that moment, is the one who looks for the trainer of basketball Steve Kerr since.

The American technician, at present in the Golden State Warriors of the NBA, uses fragments of parties of the Barça to inspire to his players. Like this it admitted it the escort Klay Thompson after the victory in front of the Lakers (129-103) for 'TNT'. "Steve puts us videos of the Barça of Guardiola like inspiration before the parties", explained the American.

The most remarkable of the situation is that it is not the first time that Kerr uses like method of motivation to the Barça of Pep. In 2016, another big star of the world-wide basketball, Stephen Curry, admitted that the game blaugrana served them like example. "Our trainer always puts us videos of the big players of football and, especially, of Messi. We have seen how they play, the things that do in each party, and his style of game seems a lot to the ours. It loves him how they move the ball, as if it was a play".

Thompson besides added that "the trainer Kerr emphasized in the movement of balloon. It said us that we had to do it the same that the Barcelona. Like the maintenance of the possession. The Tiki-Taka", recalcó the player in the back press conference to the party in front of the angelinos. A style of game that captivated in the world of the football and that seems to have arrived to the NBA years afterwards. Some words with which Thompson left impressed to several legends of the basketball like Shaquille Or'Neal and Charles Barkley.

Absolute impact

The 'Tiki-Taka' characterised to world-wide level by the game deployed by the Barça of Guardiola and the culés attained the 'sextete' thanks to him, especially by the figure of his midfield players Xavi Hernández and Andrés Iniesta. A surprising comparative that it will be necessary to see how employs the team of the bay of San Francisco. An entirely different sport in his game and in his practice, but that is had to matter the style of game of the that Barça thanks to the empecinamiento of Steve Kerr with his team.

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