The Uruguayan forward did not have it easy to arrive until where is

Suárez: "Playing in the Barça do not seat so much pressure"

Suárez: "Playing in the Barça do not seat so much pressure"

Published:6/09/2015 - 14:46h


Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Uruguayan forward of the FC Barcelona, Luis Suárez, has conceded an interview in which it has spoken on what had to sacrifice to become footballer of elite, expressing besides content it that it is to be in a so competitive club like the Barça

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In an extensive interview conceded to 'The Avant-garde', Luis Suárez has spoken of how feels playing in a team like the FC Barcelona and of the a lot of that cost him arrive to the level of game in which it finds at present, as leading reference in the elite and model of many young promises. Precisely he has very clear who was his big referent when it was boy. "Batistuta, by his form to be and by his character. It was a nine complete and went my reference". In December can win the World-wide of Clubs with the FC Barcelona.

"The tournament has gone changing of name, but remember me of boy, with 9 or 10 years, raising me to the 6 of the morning to see some final. Olimpia, Madrid, Mouth, Milan... It was beautiful the feeling. Be now a protagonist of that me ilusiona a lot". Luis Suárez already is one of the best 'nueves' of the world, but even so it always thinks in following improving.

"The important is to have will of improvement, and with players of quality around is easier. You learn a lot with only see the things that do (...). I consider me very autocrítico. Sometimes I notice me very accelerated, is missing me a second more than pause, not to do it everything to the gross. One bases in the instinct many times, but refer me more to this pause that needs the team when they are attacking us, a forward in this situation has to contribute tranquility, give rest to the midfield players". When they ask after him the instinct, alludes to the football sudamericano.

"It is a characteristic of the football sudamericano. To me anybody gave me at all. I did a lot of effort of boy: it went me walking more than half hour to go to train. It jointed cards (telephone) to sell them to be able to go in bus. Sometimes it went out two or three hours before the training not to pay the note. This effort serves me today to enjoy each moment". The Uruguayan has a big tuning with Neymar and Leo Messi in the forward of the Barça.

"When we are in the selection each one goes it to defend to die. But here it is different, are by the same work, give titles to the Barcelona. The relation so much inside as out of the field is very good. All know that Leo is the best, any try to surpass it neither equalise it. There are not envies. We are with the team and do not compete with anybody. If several players wanted to compete for being the number one, would be complicated".

And it recognises that some time has angered with his trainers. "A footballer always wants to play. Sometimes one angers , but afterwards reflexiona and is conscious that the trainer had reason, no only say it by Luis Enrique, but also it has happened me in other cases. In the World-wide of Brazil arrived very just for the first party by an injury and the seleccionador did not put me. I angered me, but afterwards I darse that had reason, if it had played had broken me again. It is the enojo of the moment and the majority of the technicians understand it".

"The next day they know that it is everything well and that they can speak with me". Finally, it was asked after the adaptation of Aleix Vidal and Burn Turan to the FC Barcelona. "They know what have to do. Aleix is training Very well and has adapted very well to the group, which is important, and Burn first was lesionado and now is with his selection, but are players that go to contribute a lot to the team and go to enjoy".

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