Franck Kessié celebrating his goal against Viktoria Plzen (5-1)


Kessié's agent makes it clear that Franck does not want to leave Barça

Published:30/10/2022 - 15:29h

Updated:30/10/2022 - 15:29h

Kessié feels clearly committed to his time at Barcelona, ​​as his representative has indicated in recent statements, responding to the rumors that have circulated from Italy

Calendar of FC Barcelona

After from Italy arose the information on a presumptive wish of Franck Kessié to abandon the rows of the FC Barcelona in search of more minutes of game, trying recover the leadership with which explained in the AC Milan, the representative of the midfield player, George Atangana, has had to pronounce and go out to the step of the rumours.

In statements for 'Sportive World', the agent sustains that it does not exist any intention to go out of the Barça in a near future, such as it had aimed it the portal 'Calciomercato'. Of this way, has hinted that the marfileño feels well in the team of Xavi Hernández, a challenge that assumed the past summer: "they Are fake news, is totally false".

Likewise, it has indicated that the player confronts a period of adaptation to new dynamic and to a new diagram of game: "Kessie is very happy in the Barça and in Barcelona. Hardly it carries some months in the club and still is in process of adaptation to the team and to the style of game of the Barça, that does not have at all that see with the rest of clubs, and, therefore, carries his time".

Even so, it has warned that, such as they aimed from Italy, Kessié has seen considerably reduced his quantity of minutes on the field. But it sustains that it will follow struggling to do with the vote of confidence by part of the trainer: "Kessie will follow working to win a place in the team. It is not a player that surrender easily".

Kessié, engaged with the Barça

In fact, Atangana has done emphasis in the posture of the player even before landing in the City Condal after topping with the Milan in the Series To, indicating that in spite of having other offers in the market, his destination always was to dress the Barcelona T-shirt, a commitment that follows ratifying in the actuality: "Had other offers in summer and bet strong by the Barça".

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