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The alarms go off! Ter Stegen could undergo back surgery

Published:4/12/2023 - 02:44h

Updated:4/12/2023 - 13:22h

The bomb exploded with the case of Ter Stegen, who could undergo surgery due to his lumbar discomfort. The goalkeeper has not been able to play for three games, and his situation with the injury does not show signs of improvement, so the club is considering the possibility of an operation

Calendar of FC Barcelona

From the start of the international recess in November, Marc-André Ter Stegen has not gone back to participate in the meetings of the FC Barcelona. After returning of the concentration with the German selection because of lumbar problems, opted initially by a little aggressive treatment with the hope that the annoyances disappeared. However, the guardameta German has accumulated three parties without being able to play with the Barça.

And it is that, the problems in the inferior zone of the back of the guardameta germano are more complex of what seemed. Although it looked for initially a less intense treatment with physiotherapy and rest, the goalkeeper still can not train usually with the rest of the team and has been absent in the last three meetings of the team, where Iñaki Crag has occupied his place.

The current treatment is not giving results

Besides, it seems that the series goes to continue, since it does not seem that Xavi have intention of alineralo against the Girona: "Has annoyances and does not finish to recover . It is sad. It has tested but it follows with annoyances", commented the trainer. For this reason, it has programmed a meeting for this Monday between the technical body and the medical services to evaluate the situation and determine the following step. One of the options that is considering is the possibility that Ter Stegen have to subject to a surgical intervention to tackle of definite way his lumbar problems, as it informs SPORT.

The gravity of the injury resulted to be greater of the anticipated initially, and is considering take measures more direct to tackle the problem. Although it still has not taken a decision to the one hundred by one hundred, the fault of results with the conservative treatment has carried to explore other options.

In spite of the good performance of Crag, the one who has showed to be in excellent form, the worry in the club in front of the absence of one of his captains is evident. Recover to the goalkeeper Teutonic the before possible goes back crucial of face to the second half of the season, where avecinan clashes increasingly decisive and the team needs to be to 100%.

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