Memphis Depay Regrets  of a played


The Athletic of Madrid complicates the signing of Depay by the Barcelona

Published:10/01/2021 - 07:35h

Updated:10/01/2021 - 09:38h

The history of love between Memphis Depay and the Barcelona could not arriving to concretise , afterwards that the Athletic of Madrid fichara to Moussa Dembélé

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The serial that has developed between the FC Barcelona and the Olymíque of Lyon, around the signing of Memphis Depay by the entity culé, could not having a so positive denouement for the same, since the movement could simply notto give . This would be thanks to the Athletic of Madrid and to his interest by Moussa Dembélé, another of the forwards of the French picture.

It does few days, the picture "Colchonero" announced the drop of Diego Costa, the one who separated again of the Madrilenian picture and remained free to negotiate with other clubs. Given this situation, the team directed by Diego Pablo Simeone has not doubted in beginning to look for a spare and has been Moussa Dembélé the chosen to centre all the efforts of the capitalinos in concretising his signing.

Now, the incorporation of the French forward to the "Atleti" looks imminent, situation could ocmplicar more than the account the signing of Depay by the Barcelona. The team directed by Rudi García would not see with good eyes give off of his two offensive figures at the same time, since, logically, still remains half season for facing.

The Lyon finds at present like leader of the table of classification of Tie it 1 of France, keeping the pulse to recover the title of champion that does not achieve from the season 2007-08. With the possible course of Dembélé, Rudi García and his technical body will look for to do all the possible by avoid more escapes and prejudice the less possible his stability in the revalidación of the championship Frenchman.

The weight of Depay and Dembélé in the Lyon

Clearly, it sounds logical to think that, to give off of Moussa Dembélé, the Lyon would look for to keep to Memphis Depay by the rest of the season in his rows, to follow having some effective of weight in the forward of the club. However, in the case of both, treats of the two players with more renown in the attack of the team.

Regarding performance, Depay is the most weighed in the staff directed by Rudi García, since it has achieved to annotate 11 goals and deliver five assistances in 19 matches, whereas Dembélé has marked one goal in 16 commitments, but has seen his performance mermado thanks to an injury. Anyway, both are players of weight inside the team and surely the Lyon will not allow the drop of both.

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