The players of the Barça of Basketball celebrate the victory


Barça beats Armani Milan and qualifies for the Euro League final

Published:28/05/2021 - 23:09h

Updated:30/05/2021 - 01:46h

The Barça goes back to a final! The culés surpassed, suffering more than the necessary, to Armani Milan with a canastón of Higgins in the last seconds to break the tie

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona basket makes history! The blaugrana have achieved to arrive to the final of the Euroliga this year after winning 'in extremis' in front of Armani Milan (84-82). It treated of a crash importantísimo for the blaugrana, that had the opportunity to go back to a final of the competition for the first time from the 2010, year in which they attained his last title.

The ones of Sarunas Jasikevicius arrived like favourites to the meeting by the exert of the blaugrana in this year. The Lithuanian has given steps of giants in his first campaign to the control of the team and the instances to which has arrived in the Euroliga has been one of the big proofs of his requirement with his players.

The meeting in Colony was full of emotion with a big Barça led by Pau Gasol, with big minutes. In the first fourth was very equalised, with 27-24 in favour of the ones of Jasikevicius. In the second chamber, the Barça grew in the track and finished the first-half with very good feelings, with good attack and of less to more in defence.

Pau Gasol lived his best minutes with the Barcelona group from his arrival, obtaining 10 points and 2/2 triple. Calathles Had a big work (9 points and 5 assistances) and of Nikola Mirotic (11 points and 15 of assessment). Already in the third chamber, the Italians recortaron distances and the meeting was much more equalised in feelings and in the marker. Punter, that showed to be 'on fire', gave a triple for his team and from there began to grow more.

Suffer to the end!

The Italians put by in front and to the Barça cost him react, finishing the third chamber with 4 points underneath (67-71). However, in the last perido the history was very distinct and favourable for the Catalans. Nick Calathes was being the most stood out man of the game. The Greek penetrated, annotated and took out fault to reduce distances and later command to the Barça to the highest.

Bolomaro Dressed of hero and with a shot from the five metres began to give him the advantage to the Barça. The Italians followed very closely in the marker. Higgins also had a canastón from six metres and, to fault of 1:55, it began the true emotion with the marker in 82-79.

Punter Put a new triple to leave it all equalised (82-82) in the last seconds of the game. However, afterwards it failed his triple more freed, the Barça did with the balloon, Higgins ran and annotated a canastón to fault of five tenths for the end and like this give him the final advantage to the Barcelona, that supposes the pass to the last instance of the Euroliga.

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