Neymar, Luis Suárez and Leo Messi in a training of the FC Barcelona


The Barça needs a plan for his foreign signings

Published:24/07/2017 - 19:27h

Updated:24/07/2017 - 19:27h

If finally it closes the case of the course of Neymar, the Barça already works so that the Brazilian this comfortable in the club. The two aims prioritarios of the culés are compatriots of the forward, that would free a square of non-EU in September

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Still there is not official confirmation on the continuity of Neymar, that could be more near that in the last days, after Gerard Hammered commissioned to make public it with a brave gesture in the social networks. Even so, in case the crack follows doubting, the Barça works so that the Brazilian seats more comfortable in the club, after it was he same the one who revealed some of the conditions that would improve the PSG, with an offer that contained several advantages apart from the economic.

To one of them yes would be had to answer in the Barcelona group, and is not another that the one to surround of mates with which share changing room also in the selection. In this line, two of the aims culés already fulfil these requirements, since Robert Fernández and the rest of the technical body already had his look put in two members of the 'canarinha', Paulinho and Coutinho, by which has reactivated the interest in the last days.

For this mission also is key Neymar, and is that the one of Sao Paulo could obtain the Spanish nationality the next month of September. As it aims the 'Sportive World', a year and half after having initiated the formalities, the one of the Barça would swear the Constitution in little more than a month, leaving a free contingent in a staff that already has Luis Suárez.

Strategy complicated

In spite of everything, the Barça has to tie very very all the capes to concretise his aims of signings and be able to inscribe them to all without infringir the contingents of non-EU players. To nationalise Neymar, the Barcelona only would have Luis Suárez, but if they wanted to incorporate to the two Brazilians would have to include to Marlon like player of the filial, explaining besides with that if east plays more than 10 parties in the first team no longer will be able to go back to participate with the second.

Besides, in winter contemplates the arrival of Yerry Mina, that when being Colombian also would occupy another of the squares. In this case, the Catalans have to be ready, since they would find with Suárez, Coutinho, Paulinho and Marlon in addition to the recently arrived. Like this an option would be to repeat of the process that already requested Neymar with the Uruguayan, yield to any of the defences or, simply, replantearse the arrival of two footballers to which, for the moment, his clubs do not want to leave go out. It will be necessary to expect to see which is the answer culé.

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