The Barça of Five-a-side football celebrates his pass to the final of League. Source: FC Barcelona


The Barça, ready to equalise his record of titles suspender belts between his sections

Published:18/06/2021 - 17:30h

Updated:18/06/2021 - 17:30h

If the team of Five-a-side football of the FC Barcelona imposes in the final, the Barcelona entity will equalise the five titles of League obtained in the course 2011-12, when once again it escaped the trophy for the first team of masculine football

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Although the first team of masculine football of the FC Barcelona does not find in his best moment, his different sections yes coincide in the successes obtained up to now. Until the moment, the teams of feminine football, basketball, handball and hockey on skate already have reached the titles of his Leagues.

To them it could add the team of five-a-side football, that recently has obtained his pass to the final of League, the octave for the Barcelona, and already expect by his rival, that will go out of the key between the Raise and Valdepeñas. To obtain the title, will equalise the mark of the season 2011-12, in which it also finished being missing the title of football, that for then obtained the Real Madrid.

The directed by Andreu Square can emulate the feat of said course and would add to the positive series that have had the distinct sections of the club, between which stands out the one of the Barça Feminine, that obtained the triplete and to level of League finished heaving the trophy of way invicta.


Other sections of the Barça leave in evidence his command

In the League Asobal, the ones of Xavi Pascual did with his eleventh title of consecutive way and also without yielding points along the 34 parties contested, adding besides the one of the Glass of Europe, the tenth in the history for the team of handball of the FC Barcelona.

By his part, the section of hockey on skate did with his eighth title suspender belt in front of the Liceo. Later, the section of basketball obtained a conquest more in front of the Real Madrid, that in this discipline also has remained in white. Likewise, the culés reached the Glass of Rey and the subcampeonato of the Euroliga.

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