Marc-André Ter Stegen, going up to the coach of the FC Barcelona


Barça will travel this Sunday to Huesca in two auto cars

Published:1/01/2021 - 17:01h

Updated:1/01/2021 - 19:22h

The FC Barcelona will move in coach to Huesca for the party of this Sunday in The Alcoraz. It will do it in two groups, to respect the protocols of the COVID-19

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona begins the 2021 with an importantísima visit to the Huesca, in the corresponding party to the day 17 of LaLiga. The culés are forced to add three points if they want to continue in the fight to approach to the highest of the classification. The team directed by Miguel Ángel Sánchez is the last in the table and only has added four points in the last six dates, by what is an ideal rival so that the Barça recover the way of the victory.

After the tie in front of the Eibar (1-1) the pressure in the team directed by Ronald Koeman is more than evident and will do fault a lot of work so that the culés recover the regularity. Of there to that the party in front of the Huesca, although it is an obviously inferior rival, supposes a final (the first of varied this month) for the Barça.

Thus, the Dutch technician has pautado two previous trainings to the visit to The Alcoraz so that his players recover after the parties of new year and are one hundred percent smart for the crash in front of the 'oscenses'. This afternoon, the Barça complete his first training of the year and, tomorrow to the 11:00 hours, will go back to reencontrarse for ultimar the details for the party.

The Sunday, the culés will travel to Huesca. They will not do it in aeroplane, as they accustom, but they will displace in two coaches to fulfil the protocols of LaLiga in the middle of the pandemia of the coronavirus. In this sense, the FC Barcelona will abandon the Ciutat Esportiva to the 10:15 h and the arrival to the ABBA Huesca Hotel, to 3.3 kilometres of The Alcoráz, is foreseen for the 13:15 h.

A longer trip of the normal

The FC Barcelona is habituado to displace for the parties in aeroplane, even to play in Villarreal, to 288 kilometres or Valencia, to 350. The location of Huesca (271) will force to the culés to travel by road by three hours. They will take the To-2 and afterwards the To-2 until arriving to the hotel of concentration.

For the return to Barcelona, the expedition culé will abandon The Alcoraz just after finishing the clash and will arrive to the Ciutat Esportiva around the 2:30 h. There will be rest and, the next day, will have a session of training and recovery to begin to prepare the next party, in front of the Athletic of Bilbao, on six January.

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