Unfair defeat of the FC Barcelona against the AC Milan


The Barcelona did not know fraguar the superiority against the Milan

Published:5/08/2018 - 06:09h

Updated:5/08/2018 - 10:18h

Unfair defeat the one of the FC Barcelona against the AC Milan (1-0), in the last appointment before returning to the City Condal. Malcom and Arthur were the most active in attack, whereas Alcácer and Ter Stegen went back to the eleven. André Silva marked in the discount

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Third and last appointment of turns it North American for the FC Barcelona, and the second of them against an Italian team, the AC Milan, after the last controversial crash in front of the Rome in Dallas. In this occasion, the ones of Ernesto Valverde went back to shine in the field with a good performance, although it was missing the definition to the hour to transform the a lot of occasions that arose of the boots of players like Malcom, Arthur and Munir, the most active in attack. Ter Stegen And Alcácer returned to the team, and Rafinha Alcántara went back to leave clear that it wants to remain. In the discount, André Silva received an assistance of Kessie to the against to finish to the group culé.

The party was of gone and turn during the first 30 minutes, with a FC Barcelona that dumped to the attack thanks to the dynamism and mobility of Munir, Rafinha and Malcom, with the Brazilian having of some that another clear occasion, although something lacking of luck in the final controls. Munir Scared to Donnarumma in the minute three of party with a shot crossed, that left went by very little. The AC Milan, by his part, pulled to base of some contragolpes explained, taking advantage of the speed of Suso and Cutrone.

The FC Barcelona, in any case, showed always very sure backwards and controlling to perfection the possession and the rhythms of the party, especially thanks to the protection and good criterion of Arthur Melo, as well as the good management in the exit of balloon of Sergi Roberto. The balloon was during practically all the party for the Barcelona, and this noticed also in the occasions of goal.

Because Malcom and Arthur, from out of the area, did that Donnarumma luciera in several occasions so much in the first as in the second half. Also Munir went back to demand the best level of the young Italian goalkeeper, but fits to say that the Barça had problems to define the played of danger that created, with the Milan intercepting the last passes.

Valverde Gave 'ball' to the usual headlines of the FC Barcelona and also to some promise like Riqui Puig and Juan Miranda, the one who seems that has all the numbers to be the relief of Jordi Alba the next season in the first team. In this occasion the canteranos went in much more late, and could see to Lenglet, Malcom and Arthur during almost all the meeting on the lawn.

It was missing something of depth in the FC Barcelona, and also better decisions in the final metres. The feelings, in any case, went back to be good for the group of Ernesto Valverde, to the one who was missing him somebody able to materialise in goal the a lot of opportunities of goal of his team. After this party, the expedition of the FC Barcelona already can put course of return to the City Condal to start with to prepare the Supercopa of Spain against the Seville, the next 12 August in Tangier.

Ter Stegen And Alcácer 'premièred' with the Barça

The commitment in front of the AC Milan, by the way, went the opportunity to see for the first time in this pre-season to Alcácer, lesionado in the previous parties, and to a Ter Stegen that shortened slightly his holidays to be present in turns it North American. In spite of the participation of the germano in the pre-season, foresees that it was Cillessen the guardameta title in front of the Seville in the Supercopa. In spite of the goal of André Silva in the discount, the FC Barcelona can go back to take out a positive reading of the party.

Next party: FC Barcelona-Seville (Supercopa of Spain)

Technical index card of the party: AC Milan-FC Barcelona 1-0

AC Milan: Donnarumma; Calabria (Knocks down, 60'), Musacchio (Zapata, 78'), Romagnoli, Rodríguez (Antonelli, 60'); Kessie, Locatelli (Mauri, 60'), Calhanoglu; Suso (Bonaventura, 78'), Cutrone and Borini (Halilovic, 60').

FC Barcelona: Cillessen (Ter Stegen, 45'); Semedo, Marlon (Mingueza, 75'), Lenglet, Miranda; Sergi Roberto, Arthur, Rafinha (Abel Ruiz, 75'); Malcom, Alcácer (R. Puig, 45') and Munir.

Goals of the party: 1-0, André Silva (93').

Referee: Baldomero Toledo.

Incidences: corresponding Party to the third day of International Champions Cup for the FC Barcelona, contested against the AC Milan in Levi's Stadium of Santa Clara (United States).

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