Rafinha Alcántara, during a session of training with the Barça


The Barcelona initiates a campaign of support to Rafinha Alcántara

Published:25/11/2018 - 22:46h

Updated:26/11/2018 - 01:25h

The FC Barcelona has initiated through the social networks a campaign of support to Rafinha Alcántara, after knowing the injury of gravity of the Hispanic-Brazilian, that will carry him to go through the operating theatre and lose what subtracts of season

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Rafinha Alcántara does not give for bad news, regarding injuries, along his career futbolística. This Sunday has confirmed that suffers a break of the ligament crossed previous of the knee, what will force him to go through the operating theatre and lose what subtracts of season 2018-19, since the process of recovery for this type of injuries is used to to go of six to seven months.

This already is the third injury of gravity that suffers Rafinha with the FC Barcelona, and that prevents him show his best level and finish to explode on the terrains of game. A cumulus of misfortunes for the Hispanic-Brazilian of the FC Barcelona, that of course this Sunday will have remained desolado or, at least, very sad by not being able to play more in what it subtracts of course.

To try encourage him, the FC Barcelona has initiated through the social networks a campaign in which, with the 'hashtag' #ForçaRafinha, all the followers that wish it can launch messages of spirit to the young and talentoso midfield player of the FC Barcelona, the one who safe that will appreciate any message of support that can arrive him from the fans culé.

In the last hours, already has received hundreds of messages of spirit of part of the fans culés, but also of mates of profession and of his mates of team. It is a hard varapalo for Rafinha, since if it had not had prominence during the next months, could have opted by a change of airs course to another big club of Europe in the market of winter.

At the end, it will not be able to do neither a thing neither the another. It will happen what subtracts of the season 2018-19 recovering of the injury, more or less of the same way that another of his mates in the FC Barcelona, Sergi Samper, the one who also is suffering an ordeal with the injuries in the beginning of his sportive career in the elite.

The FC Barcelona, with alternatives to relieve to Rafinha

The FC Barcelona will give minutes to Carles Aleñá and to other players for paliar the absence of Rafinha Alcántara, that was not an indisputable headline neither much less, but was explaining every time with more minutes this course, under the control of Ernesto Valverde. Now, it will have to concentrate in the recovery to go back, to the cape of a time, stronger that never and warn future injuries.

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