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The Barcelona, sued by the company Wall Modular Curtain Renting

Published:4/11/2020 - 23:50h

Updated:4/11/2020 - 23:50h

THE FC Barcelona confronts to a new problem this season, since it has been sued by the company MCM, to which the club has to him 3,5 million euros

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Los problems follow surrounding to the FC Barcelona, without mattering the type of problem of the that treat . Further of the sportive, the economic or the managerial, is time the club has suffered of a new setback of juridical field, since the company Wall Modular Curtain Renting (MCM) has made a complaint against the Catalan team, that owes some 3,5 million euros to the company, that built the façade of double skin of the building of The Farm.

The same has entered the legal resource in front of the Court of the Mercantile number 12 of Barcelona, in front of the cual has requested that that declare to the FC Barcelona in contest of creditors to earn the 3,5 million euros. This, of face to that club go in in a situation of "imminent insolvency", because of the debt that sustains with the company.

However, the situation does not come from of a recent fact, already quela same company has commissioned to clear that the contractual union signed by both parts dates of 2010, when the club was chaired by Sandro Rosell. The agreement won in 2017, by what the society has declared that it has not received the payment that the Catalan picture still has to him and that carried to MCM to incluír to the Barcelona in the register of morosidad of the ASNEF in March of 2018.

Demands crossed between the Barcelona and MCM

Although the company Wall Modular Curtain Renting has wanted incursionar in a legal battle in front of the FC Barcelona, the group culé also has made juridical movements against of the same association. In fact, the Catalan entity has alleged that MCM made structural damages on the double skin of the façade of The Farm, space where had to situate an advertising and that, thanks to the fault of the same, the club has had to reinvertir some 250.000 euros in repairs.

The problem arrives in a moment in which the Barcelona atravieisa a delicadísima situation, in full installation of the Managing Board that is doing charge of the interim presidency of the club. Although the company MCM has made complaints previously against of the Barcelona entity and these have been refused, it will be necessary to see if this proceeds and complicates, even more, the situation of the team.

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