The Barçto, after the semifinal of the Supercopa Endesa


The Madrid traces back, wins to the Barça and carries the Supercopa (83-88)

Published:12/09/2021 - 20:30h

Updated:13/09/2021 - 15:13h

The Real Madrid has achieved his eighth Supercopa of Spain, with a big performance of Llull that pushed to the madridistas to win to the Barça

Calendar of FC Barcelona

This Sunday contested the Supercopa of Spain of basketball between the FC Barcelona and Real Madrid, in a meeting that, in addition to supposing a Classical historical, had more 'morbo' that never after the end of the ACB LEAGUE and the movements of the market, that carried to Nicolas Laprovittola to change Madrid by Barcelona, whereas Thomas Heurtel and Adam Hanga left of the Catalan group for recalar in the directed by Pablo Laso.

The Madrid wanted to revalidate the title (won it the past year), whereas the Barça had the intention to raise it for the first time from 2015. For the occasion, Sarunas Jasikevicius went out with Nick Calathes, Cory Higgins, Nigel Hayes-Davis, Nikola Mirotic and Pierre Oriola, to command from the beginning of the crash in front of the 'merengues'.

The Catalans began very enchufados and achieved to keep by in front in the electronic at all times. In the first chamber, that began with an incredible speed, the Barça was very hit from the line of the three points, achieving a distance regarding the ones of Laso important, but also were victims of the reaction madridista, especially because the Barcelona could not brake the penetrations of Heurtel (23-22).

Llul Achieved to plant to the Madrid by in front for the first time in the beginning of the second chamber, but the reaction of the culés was immediate, forcing to the madridistas to happen to the pressure to look for cut the rhythm of the Barça, that also was having problems to leave in career to the rival defence. Before the rest, the ones of Jasikevicius had an advantage +6, but with a Madrid that did not want to lose him the face (46-40). Oriola Was being the most hit, with 11 points and 3/3 in the triple.

Reaction to time of the Madrid

In the beginning of the third chamber, the Barça commanded completely in the track, although they started with offensive difficulties after the rest. Mirotic Began to be more comfortable and hit and the differences between a Madrid that did not achieve to put in the crash. The Barcelona took advantage of the disconnection and achieved to mark differences in the electronic to invite to celebrate a new title from early. Of any way, this chamber was marked by the good start of the Catalans, that put to +17 and the paper of Llull, that recortó nine points to keep to his with hopes (71-62).

If in the start of the third fourth the Barça dominated, in the straight final, the madridistas reacted to time to sign a partial of 0-9 that left them to a point to equalise to the culés (79-78). Finally, the Real Madrid reacted just in time and achieved a difference of +5 to carry the title (83-88)

Eighth Supercopa of the Madrid

With the triumph of this Sunday of the Real Madrid on the FC Barcelona in Santiago Martín of The Lagoon, the blaugrana have heaved his eighth Supercopa of Spain, title that had achieved in the three last editions of consecutive form. Like this then , it adds a new trophy to his vitrinas, after achieving it in 1984-85, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2018, 2019 and 2020, increasing to two the advantage on the Barça.

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