Ernesto Valverde, in the bench of the Barça


The message of Valverde on the injuries of Messi and Dembélé

Published:3/02/2019 - 04:24h

Updated:3/02/2019 - 04:25h

Without place to doubts, Leo Messi and Ousmane Dembélé are the two players more in shape of the FC Barcelona to day of today. Nevertheless, both suffer physical problems that Ernesto Valverde analysed in the back press conference to the party in front of Valencia

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona saldó the corresponding duel to the vigesimosegunda day of LaLiga Santander with a tie (2-2) in front of Valencia. Ernesto Valverde attended to the room of press of the Camp Nou to analyse the party and, especially, the possible drops of key players in front of the Real Madrid, as they can be the ones of Leo Messi and Ousmane Dembélé.

On the Argentinian star, did not launch too much information, since it is expecting of the pertinent proofs. "We have to expect to the proofs. I do not know what has. It would like me be very clear and say the concrete diagnostic, but do not know it. Has some annoyance and will expect to see what say the doctors. In function of this will value it. We imagine that it can not be very bad, although I can not advance at all", commented.

Of the fact that it can be drop in the Classical of semifinals of the Glass of the King against the Real Madrid, neither hinted. "The parties are all different. If Leo is well will play and if it is not it, will play another", commented. Also it spoke on the return of Dembélé, that could be smart for the Classical: "we Expect that it was for next week, I do not know if for the Wednesday or for the Sunday".

"Messi has some annoyance, but imagine that it can not be very bad"

Jordi Alba also will be another of the drops that will have the Txingurri, although in this occasion, when being by yellow, will affect to LaLiga and no to the duel copero. "Have several possibilities, sometimes have opted by ones and other times by others. Jordi Alba is in a big moment and is difficult suplirle. Had four yellow and thought that this party could be a good moment and has taken him out the fifth", manifested.

The change of Aleñá, something controversial by the partidazo of the canterano, also went subject in the room of press. "I see him very well. Each day is participating more and when it goes in at stake is a footballer that has a big quality. We are loved. Such as it went the party have thought that Arthur could help us in the centre of the field".

Tie agridulce in front of Valencia

Ernesto Valverde also regretted the fact to have left two points in front of Valencia. Something that, in spite of the traced back, leaves a flavour agridulce. "When you do not win always you have this point that have not left something. There is split that you can trace back and others no. We have to admit it, it is the game", commented.

The Txingurri also ensured that there is big motivation for winning LaLiga: "Each one has his own analysis, but I yes that think that are motivated for LaLiga. Today we have begun the party with the intention to win. Our intention has been to put the meeting what before to our favour. Sometimes our goalkeeper for a penalti and others no. Have a fixation with trying win all the parties and especially with LaLiga because it marks us the regularity".

Besides, it remembered that they shut to Valencia in the second time. "Valencia began very well, but afterwards the party was ours and had to the rival put in the area. There are times in which it surprises you how go the meetings", said, the technician extremeño.

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