Marc Bartra, going out to the field beside the rest of his mates


"The numbers are crazy, but Dembélé is worthwhile"

Published:31/08/2017 - 11:14h

Updated:31/08/2017 - 11:21h

The defence of the Borussia Dortmund has conceded an interesantísima interview to'The World' in which it has reviewed his difficult season, having to surpass an attack. Besides, it has stood out again the talent of Ousmane Dembélé

Calendar of FC Barcelona

When the players arrive to the Spanish selection produce glimpsed very interesting. Freed of the routine of club, the professionals are used to to open enough. And can read things really good. This Thursday 'The World' interview to Marc Bartra, that does a review to the moment that lives, agreeing of the difficulties lived and giving an example of life. 

The central Catalan of the Borussia Dortmund has wanted to relate how surpassed the attack: "Have the big luck to be able to explain it. If the piece of shrapnel in place to give me in the doll gives me further up do not explain it. The life is like this, is a pis, pas and no longer are. Therefore it is necessary to squeeze every second, each instant that live with your family, with your friends. Also you learn to value what is important and what no".

Bartra Is a sincere type and wants to be in the World-wide of Russia: "I Am in a moment sweet, is the second year in Germany, seat me very wanted there, come to the selection, expect to follow coming and want to be in the World-wide". Although in front it has to I Hammered and Bouquets: "What more better competition, touches you go up the level and when it touches you play, it is necessary to keep his level and even, if it can , go up it".

Precisely it has asked that no pite to Hammered, although it recognises that to him does not affect him: "In the elite or are thinking in the field or eat you. He goes to play the same him piten or no. I expect that no him piten, as they have asked mates even of the Madrid. The best is that the fan understand that futbolísticamente are here, that want to win him to Italy and go to the World-wide. If all go to one, will be stronger.

Dembélé, a lot of money?

Marc Bartra already said does some days that the Barça carried to a footballer of very high level, but very young still and to the that no could him compare with Neymar. And the ex Barcelona has gone back to highlight to the French: "The numbers are quite crazy. But still like this I know that has a lot of talent, is really desequilibrante. It is necessary to have patience. It is very young. Only it carries a year in a big club".

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