The future of Jérémy Mathieu in the FC Barcelona will touch to his end this same summer. The Barcelona entity will look for him an in shape available exit or contractual resolution, that him mantienand still in the Catalan entity until 2018. What stá more than clear is that in the Barcelona entity no goes through them his head renew to the French defence.

This lie that has been running like the gunpowder by the social networks. Pues The account of Twitter @FCBarclona_is has commissioned to publish a tuit, with a photography of the French player and the year 2020, with which gave by done the renewal of the defence. Many "hammered" although the account is false, as it was missing him the "and" in Barcelona that has the official account.

Many were the retuits and the people that, after darse that it was lie, confessed that they had believed it to him. The true is that the photography was very alike, by typography and colours, to the employee for darland the welcome to Ernesto Valverde after announcing his signing.

Lamanera To know if an account is not official

One of the keys not to fall in this type of deceptions is to check that the account that publishes it is the official. This can do it when seeing the blue tic that accompanies it in Twitter.