Rafinha Alcántara, during a party


The priority of Rafinha is Valencia, but has other options

Published:26/06/2019 - 07:44h

Updated:26/06/2019 - 07:44h

Rafinha Alcántara is one of the footballers that will go out of the FC Barcelona almost with all probability. The Hispanic-Brazilian has the Valency like big preference, but from the club culé ask 15 millions by him and will listen also offers of other teams

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Rafinha Alcántara is one of the footballers that will not be still in the FC Barcelona of face to the next season. The competition that there will be in the Camp Nou in the centre of the field and the forward, positions that is used to to occupy the Hispanic-Brazilian, does that the best solution for the club and the player was his exit in summer.

According to the informations published this Wednesday by Sportive World, the big priority of Rafinha is fichar by Valencia, although from the capital of the Turia no only have interested by him, but also by Denis Suárez. It is necessary to remember that Marcelino, technical 'che', was asked after FCBN in the airport of Asturias in case Valencia ficharía to the Hispanic-Brazilian and to the Galician.

"To the two, no", answered the trainer of the Valencian team, leaving clear that only could make one of the two incorporations. Although, by the moment, seems that Marcelino considers to Denis Suárez a footballer that can have more weight in the team that the one who could have Rafinha.

But so much the FC Barcelona like the own midfield player have other roads to finish finding an exit. In concrete, the Barcelona would have by him offers of the Celtic of Vigo -team in which Rafinha already was and left a big memory- and the Eintracht of Frankfurt. It will be necessary to see if any of them prospers.

Rafinha, unlucky this season

Rafinha Alcántara did not have good luck in the present season. The Brazilian midfield player began being transferible after the Inter of Milan did not effect the option of purchase that had by him, but to base of effort and of good performances achieved to go in in the plans of Ernesto Valverde.

In a party against the Athletic of Madrid, produced a break in the ligament crossed previous of the left knee and played during 40 minutes with this injury. Finally, it was operated on 5 December by the doctor Cugat and initiated the process of recovery, that has lengthened until the final stretch of season. Now, it wants to go back with more strength.

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