Carvajal gol HernándezMaeso


Laporta's right-hand man 'slashes' against the unfortunate refereeing of Madrid-Almeria

Published:22/01/2024 - 10:33h

Updated:22/01/2024 - 10:33h

Barça have had to deal with more than questionable refereeing decisions this season during some league matches, but now they have also had to pronounce themselves after a Real Madrid match

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Real Madrid has harvested one of the most controversial victories that remember in LaLiga in the last years. The merengues surpassed to the colista Almería (3-2) with the room of videoarbitraje taking part until in three occasions in favour of the white club in decisions more than doubtful. As it could not be of another way, from the FC Barcelona have not taken to react to the referee's scandal in Santiago Bernabéu.

The sportive adviser of the president Joan Laporta, Enric Masip, has thrown of irony in the social network X (Twitter) to manifest his incredulity after the controversial arbitration of Hernández Maeso in the white field, which caused the indignation of the barcelonismo and of part of the Spanish football. "And taking and taking and taking and now 11?" It was the content of the first 'tuit' published by Enric Masip beside three emoticonos.

Messages more than justified by part of the barcelonismo

Nevertheless, the anger of the adviser of Laporta was in increase. The expulsion suffered by the technician of the Almería Gaizka Garitano caused a second reaction of Enric Massip. In this case, it went a bit more escueto. Beside a red circle, in allusion to the card received by the trainer almeriense, wrote "+1… Follow", highlighted again of ironic way the Barcelona director.

And it is that when the result marked the tie in the marker (2-2), the collegiate Hernández Maeso decided to add 11 minutes to the statutory time. The four times that the referees in the room VAR have detained the meeting required of a time of generous prolongation, but few times remembers a granting of extra minutes so extensive in LaLiga, by what the unrest of Masip and all that distinct to the team merengue was totally justified.

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