The Asturian technician of the FC Barcelona, Luis Enrique, avoided to answer to the two last questions formulated by the journalists in the press conference of this Monday, without wanting to go in in controversies and centring only and exclusively in what had something that see with the party of this Tuesday against the Celtic of Glasgow, that will be the première of the Barça in the UEFA Champions League 2016-17.

The case is that to the Barcelona trainer asked him, in the first place, on his preferences between winning collective titles or individual prizes so prestigious like the Balloon of Gold.

The question had clearly the hammer Xavi-Christian like subliminal message, by what "Struggle" preferred not going in to the cloth and dribble the question. "I do not go to answer this question", answered, after kidding ensuring that he can not win Balloons of Gold neither to the Ludo.

Finally, to Luis Enrique asked him on the criticisms received by Raúl González by his presence in the new office of the FC Barcelona in New York. "I do not have at all that think. Like this it works our world", answered "Struggle", giving to continuation two hits in the table and raising to go out of the room of press of the Ciutat Esportiva.

It is clear that the environment is something taut after the defeat suffered against the Alavés in the Camp Nou. Now, therefore, the only thought of Luis Enrique is in recovering anímicamente to his men of face to the meeting in front of the Celtic of Glasgow. The Champions League is expecting.