Ernesto Valverde, in the bench


The words of Valverde on the physical state of Leo Messi

Published:9/02/2019 - 20:00h

Updated:9/02/2019 - 20:00h

Ernesto Valverde appeared this Saturday in front of the media to speak on some subjects of actuality and, of course, one of them was the physical state of Leo Messi. Besides, the Txingurri commented other appearances of the team

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona plays this Sunday in Saint Mamés against the Athletic Club in a meeting in which the Barcelona will have the pressure to know that the Real Madrid won and that reduced the distance between both to only five points. Ernesto Valverde, that will go back to see the faces with the team to the that trained, appeared in the previous press conference.

The technician extremeño spoke on variso subjects of actuality of the FC Barcelona and, lamentably, many of them encircled to the physical state of some players that come having problems during the last days, as they can be Leo Messi, Umtiti, Dembélé or Arthur.

On the Argentinian, did not want to wet too much. "It is necessary to expect to the training to decide. The other day, in the party of Glass, did not want to risk and tomorrow are in an alike situation. Already we will see which decision take in function of what say me he and of how finds . If it was to the 100 by one hundred, or if it is, will play. If it is not it, already we will see. To him I see him very well. We speak when we have to speak", it commented.

"I see very well to Messi"

Also it spoke sact Samuel Umtiti, that is far to reappear, and of Ousmane Dembélé, that keeps in doubt: "Yesterday, Umtiti did the first part of the training, but hardly the rondos and at all more. We expect that little by little it incorporate and it go to more. And Dembélé is different, already did yesterday the training and today will value if it will be morning or no".

Besides, it spoke of the alternatives to Arthur, that fell lesionado. "We lose a player that gives us control of game, but the injuries always come like this: they are unexpected. In November and December neither was. Have alternative, no of equal players, but have to Aleñá, more offensive; to Arturo, more defensive and with a football of no so much of control; to Coutinho; and to any of the B", manifested.

Jordi Alba is another of the players with which it is necessary to be accurate, since it is the only left side of the staff. "Substitute to a player like Jordi Alba always is a problem. But have alternatives inside the team, planting to a right footballer here, or to a central left-handed or to one of the B, that is what have gone doing", said.

On the calendar, did not want to put excuses: "The next week have margin, because there is rest. And the party of morning is fundamental for us. But I will not put to a footballer that was loaded. No, because it can break . We do not want to lose to any player. Tomorrow I will put to the best team. The calendar is an atrocity for all the teams of Europe that are in several competitions".

The Athletic-Barça

Valverde Mentioned the difficulty to play in Saint Mamés: "Any party in Saint Mamés is complicated, and the one of morning much more because it is the one who expect us. We know how it plays the Athletic, all the parties that has had to play there always have been complicated, difficult, with a big environmental pressure. The field will be full, the people will tighten a lot".

Of his rival and ex team, stood out the intensity that has like block. "The Athletic tries that you do not go out of your field, exerts a high pressure. And it will hamper us the game. It will be a beautiful party, with a lot of crumb. And one of the most difficult that remain us this season", sentenced.

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